Division Manager:I want to replace the Microton computers in my division with Vitech computers. General Manager:Why? Division Manager:It costs 28 percent less to train new staff on the Vitech. General Manager:But that is not a good enough reason.We can simply hire only people who already know how to use the Microton computer.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the general manager's objection to the replacement of Microton computers with Vitechs?
Division manager: I want to replace the Microton computers in my division with Vitech computers. General manager: Why? Division manager: It costs 28 percent less to train new staff on the Vitech. General manager: But that is not a good enough reason. We can simply hire only people who already know how to use the Microton computer. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the general manager’s objection to the replacement of Microton computers with Vitechs? (A) Currently all employees in the company are required to attend workshops on how to use Microton computers in new applications. (B) Once employees learn how to use a computer, they tend to change employers more readily than before. (C) Experienced users of Microton computers command much higher salaries than do prospective employees who have no experience in the use of computers. (D) The average productivity of employees in the general manager’s company is below the average productivity of the employees of its competitors. (E) The high costs of replacement parts make Vitech computers more expensive to maintain than Microton computers.
Divisionmanager: I want to replace the Microton computers in my division with Vitech computers. General manager: Why? Divisionmanager: It costs 28 percent less to train new staff on the Vitech. General manager: But that is not a good enough reason. We can simply hire only people who already know how to use the Microton computer. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the general manager’s objection to the replacement of Microton computers with Vitechs? (A) Currently all employees in the company are required to attend workshops on how to use Microton computers in new applications. (B) Once employees learn how to use a computer, they tend to change employers more readily than before. (C) Experienced users of Microton computers command much higher salaries than do prospective employees who have no experience in the use of computers. (D) The average productivity of employees in the general manager’s company is below the average productivity of the employees of its competitors. (E) The high costs of replacement parts make Vitech computers more expensive to maintain than Microton computers.
-- by 会员 jianglindenise (2011/3/23 9:52:20)
整片文章说的是用M还是V,COST的高低,要old员工还是new员工的问题 Division manager的意思是想用V General manager的意思是D的理由不充分,想用M(假设)
currently all employee in the company说的是一般情况下所有人都要培训M,这本身就是不符合实际的,会M的人培训M是一种资源的浪费,manager也不会愿意本来可以利用培训的时间为自己创造更大的价值的时间被占据。另外雇佣的成本不知道是不是一样的,人多的话可能要培训几次分班进行,这本来就成本高,这种假设也不合理的。