Kate: TW的数量下降,这鸟秋天从北美飞到南美,因为什么树的密度限制什么的。 Scott: SB的数量下降, SB是TW的食物在北美(TW吃SB) 关于TW数量下降的原因,TW数量降不降,鸟飞不飞,SB数量降不降,吃不吃SB 问驳斥Scott A.The numbers of the Baltimore oriole, a songbird that dose not eat budworms but is as dependent on South American coffee plantations as is the Tennessee warbler, are declining.另外一种鸟,不吃SB但是又怎么独立什么与TW有关系了,那种鸟下降了。说这鸟吃不吃SB,有点沾边,先放着 B.The spruce-budworm population has dropped because of a disease that can infect budworms but not Tennessee warblers.SB数量下降的原因是因为疾病影响b不影响TW,这里讨论的是SB数量下降的原因,疾病影不影响,不沾边,干掉 C.The drop in the population of the spruce budworm is expected to be only temporary.SB数量下降只是暂时的,说SB的数量变化是不是暂时的,文章没有说,干掉 D.Many Tennessee warbler have begun migrating in the fall to places other than traditional coffee plantations.很多TW开始在秋天迁徙去别的地方,说目的地,跟数量下降的原因没什么关系,干掉 E.Although many North American songbirds have declined in numbers, no other species has experienced as great a decline as has the Tennessee warbler.虽然北美的这鸟数量下降,没有其它物种有像tw这样大量的下降,说其它物种去了,文章没提,干掉 所以只能选A,并且往往正确答案有种感觉,就是选项前面说了一个与原来的文章没什么关联的东西,然后后面说了这东西跟原文的联系,这种感觉比较像正确选项。 呵呵 -- by 会员 sdfzcjy (2011/3/23 13:20:14)
呵呵,谢谢~~~~ 你好高深啊~~ |