Leaching, the recovery of copper from the drainage water of mines, as a method of the extraction of minerals, it was well established as early as the eighteenth century, but until about 25 years ago miners did not realize that bacteria take an active part in the process.
Leaching, the recovery of copper from the drainage water of mines, as a method of the extraction of minerals, it was well established as early as the eighteenth century, but until about 25 years ago miners did not realize that bacteria take an active part in the process.
A. as a method of the extraction of minerals, it was well established
B. as a method of the extraction of minerals well established
C. was a well-established method of mineral extraction
D. was a well-established method of extracting mineral that was
E. had been a method of mineral extraction, well established
个人认为是E。 参见OG12-3 Although various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry and had pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, until almost 1900, scholars and critics did not begin seriously to study traditional Native American poetry in native languages. ?? (A) until almost 1900, scholars and critics did not begin seriously to study ?? (B) until almost 1900 scholars and critics had not begun seriously studying ?? (C) not until almost 1900 were scholars and critics to begin seriously to study ?? (D) it was not almost until 1900 when scholars and critics began to seriously study ?? (E) it was not until almost 1900 that scholars and critics seriously began studying 10 key :E
q41题目中: as early as ...与had been ...配合不恰当,since等更恰当,同时well established 修饰的对象不请楚,是采矿的历史呢?还是采矿方法使用的历史?显然,采矿的历史悠久的很,但是新的采矿方法层出不穷,leaching 也是其一。个人的一点愚见。供参考。所以还是c 合适。
q41题目中: as early as ...与had been ...配合不恰当,since等更恰当,同时well established 修饰的对象不请楚,是采矿的历史呢?还是采矿方法使用的历史?显然,采矿的历史悠久的很,但是新的采矿方法层出不穷,leaching 也是其一。个人的一点愚见。供参考。所以还是c 合适。
-- by 会员 geegee (2011/3/13 13:10:05)
同意well established的修饰对象不明确~ 但是as early as不是应该是跟well established 搭配吗?不是跟had been吧?
Leaching, the recovery of copper from the drainage water of mines, as a method of the extraction of minerals, it was well established as early as the eighteenth century, but until about 25 years ago miners did not realize that bacteria take an active part in the process.(C)
A. as a method of the extraction of minerals, it was well established
B. as a method of the extraction of minerals well established
C. was a well-established method of mineral extraction
D. was a well-established method of extracting mineral that was
E. had been a method of mineral extraction, well established
--------------------------------------------------------- 请教关于 as early as the eighteenth century 的修饰问题:
C选项中 as early as the eighteenth century 是修饰谁的呢?还是同语法笔记上说的一样,修饰整句话?此时又是什么做成分呢? D中是不是因为有that was 所以as early as the eighteenth century 修饰mineral 或method? E中as early as the eighteenth century是修饰established的吧?