以下是引用scots在2004-5-29 2:26:00的发言:今天还遇到1个关于代词指代的问题。。把我给弄迷糊了,可能也说明了philikittist的正确性。。。题目如下 白勇语法Ch 7-10 According to his own account, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty, Modeled the face of the statue like his mother's and the body like his wife's. A) modeled the face of the statue like his mother's and the body like his wife's B) modeled the face of the statue after that of his mother and the body after that of his wife C).D).E) ..... 正确答案是B。。按照规则,这两个代词应该指代一样的名词吧??可是这里,一个指代face,一个指代body...不解ing..
我来说两句,这道题目是face和body并列,是model face... and body...
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-19 16:53:07编辑过] |