In two months, the legal minimum wage in the country of Kirlandia will increase from five Kirlandic dollars(KD5.00) Per hour to KD5.50 per hour. Opponents of this increase have argued that the resulting rise in wages will drive the inflation rate up. In fact its impact on wages will probably be negligible, since only a very small proportion of all Kirfandic workers are currently receiving less than KD5.50 per hour.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
AA The following appeared in a presentation by the chief production manager of a machine parts manufacturing company at a management meeting:“Our factory in Cookville is our most advanced and efficient. It is capable of producing ten drill bits for each dollar of production costs, whereas none of our other factories can produce more than seven drill bits per dollar of production costs. Therefore, we can reduce our overall drill bit production costs by devoting the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production. Since reducing the production costs of individual machine parts is the only way to achieve our larger goal of reducing our overall production costs, dedicating the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production and shifting all other machine part production to our other factories will help us to attain that larger goal.” 这个题我毁了,大家还是要好好准备AA的...不要像我似的,看都看不懂,结果胡乱写一通,真是担心自己作文挂掉.... AI Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace.
27、一个人做三种数学题题,arithmetic 题 10 fewer than algebra题,he did as half geo题 as algebra题, 一共做了60题,求geo题做了多少? 解析:这个题我在看JJ的时候就疑问了,要注意这个题的奸诈之处,as twice A as B的意思是A=2B,那么,按道理的话as half geo as algebra就是geo=0.5algebra, 最后解出来geo=14,选项里有14,我选了,我还是认为自己是对的,open to discussion 74、个人认为我数学碰见了难题 DS: A、B班的median和mean如下所示,考试的时候是语句描述貌似 meanmedian a8580 b8278
In two months, the legal minimum wage in the country of Kirlandia will increase from five Kirlandic dollars(KD5.00) Per hour to KD5.50 per hour. Opponents of this increase have argued that the resulting rise in wages will drive the inflation rate up. In fact its impact on wages will probably be negligible, since only a very small proportion of all Kirfandic workers are currently receiving less than KD5.50 per hour.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A Most people in Kirlandia who are currently earning the minimum wage havebeen employed at their current jobs for less than a year.无关
B Some firms in Kirlandia have paid workers considerably less than KD5.00per hour, in violation of Kirlandic employment regulations.无关
C Many businesses hire trainees at or near the minimum wage but mustreward trained workers by keeping their paylevels above the pay levelof trainees.确实是提高了,很好的削弱,选C
D The greatest growth in Kirlandia’s economy in recent years has been in those sectors where workers earn wages that tend to be much higherthan the minimum wage. 无关
E The current minimum wage is insufficient for a worker holding only one job to earn enough to support a family,even when working full time at that job. 无关,是不是能持家和工资到底受不受最低工资水平上涨的影响无关
题是完全一样的,并且我还是我做了GWD笔记的题 RC 要说的是,这个月的阅读JJ挺不错,可以大大减少理解原文的时间,便可以更快的做题和进入角色,所以很感谢大家,这次考试我预感基本上错的是逻辑,逻辑估计错了很多,因为实在是看不懂….囧~ 第一篇production-smoothing生产平滑化 和JJ说的一样,是讲关于production-smoothing的。 全文3段 第一段说要想production smooth可以通过inventory控制来调节。 段落二理论上来说sales和inventory应该是逆相关,既sales长,inventory应该下。但实际来说,sales和inventory是正相关的,既sales和inventory同长同跌。 最后一段作者说,想准确预测inventory还是很难。 记得其中的一个题,问的是inventory有什么作用,我选的最后一项,是keep the production level神马的,意思就是使得生产水平保持基本恒定,我确定。 第二篇传说中的hominid 这篇实在是巨长,我见过有史以来最长的文章,六段还是五段,反正两屏,但是有JJ,心里有底喽~ 研究一种什么动物的化石来确定hominid.,确定一类早期的人灵长类动物的活动,是一下子在山洞里呆很长时间不出去还是每次很短,但是会呆很多次,然后用了一个新的方法,是研究一种早期人的食用的某种试草动物的牙齿化石,可以通过测定好像是牙齿上面的残留的植物的化石的来确定他们的活动。文章有6段,很长。最后文章结论说两种洞居的情况都有。结论是两种都有,通篇的结构是这样的:先讲hominid的活动有两种(如上所述),再说现在科学家们发现的研究方法可以确定这个问题(具体介绍怎么用植物神马的,神马动物和一种物质来确定,其中有个单词ungulate可以查查,对理解文章有帮助),最后讲述了这个方法的意义,结尾是研究结果——根据发现,两种行为都是存在的。
Abstract Characterization of settlement patterns is one of the core concepts in archeological research. The duration of an occupation is usually estimated through zooarchaeology (e.g., density of remains, cementochronology) and is limited by taphonomic processes and sample size. We propose a new application of dental wear methods for estimating the relative duration of hominid settlements in Paleolithic sites. Dental microwear is known to be sensitive to seasonal changes in diet. In this new application we use microwear scratch counts to estimate the variation in the dietary signal of various ungulate species. We propose that this variation is correlated to the duration of site occupation. Each season presents a limited and different set of food resources available in the environment. If animals are sampled only during a specific season (i.e., during a short term occupation) then they would be expected to have a dental wear signal with little variation. On the other hand, a greater diversity of food is available across different seasons. Therefore, if game animals are hunted through various seasons during long occupation periods, then they would be expected to have more variable dental wear. The application of this technique to the Middle Paleolithic site of Arago Cave (France), where various types of occupations occurred, supports this hypothesis. When combined with multidisciplinary studies of archaeological localities (seasonality in particular), this new application of dental wear analysis presents valuable information about hominid settlements and behavior. We contextualize our data with results from lithic and zooarchaeological analyses from Arago. These results reveal the presence of both high and low mobility groups of Homo heidelbergensis throughout the sequence of the Arago Cave.