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发表于 2010-12-24 09:26:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Questions 31-32
Political opinion and analysis outside the mainstreamrarely are found on television talk shows, and it might be thought that thisstate of affairs is a product of the political agenda of the televisionstations themselves. In fact, television stations aredriven by the same economic forces as sellers of more tangible goods.Because they must attempt to capture the possible share of the televisionaudience for their shows, they air only those shows that will appeal to largenumbers of people. As a result, political opinions and analyses aired ontelevision talk shows are typically bland and innocuous.

31. An assumption made in the explanation offered bythe author of the passage is that

A.       mosttelevision viewers cannot agree on which elements of a particular opinion oranalysis are most disturbing.
B.       thereare television viewers who might refuse to watch television talk shows thatthey knew would be controversial and disturbing.
C.      eachtelevision viewer holds some opinion that is outside the political mainstream,but those opinions are not the same for everyone.
D.      thereare television shows on which economic forces have an even greater impact thanthey do on television talk shows.
E.       thetelevision talk shows of different stations resemble one another in mostrespects.

B is the best answer.

32. The explanation offered by the author of thepassage makes the assumption that

A.       television station executives usually lack a political agenda of their own
B.       blandand innocuous political opinions and analyses are generally in the mainstream
C.      politicalanalysts outside the mainstream are relatively indifferent to the effect theiranalyses have on television viewers
D.      mosttelevision viewers are prepared to argue against allowing the expression ofpolitical opinions and analyses with which they disagree
E.       thepolitical opinions of television station executives are not often reflected inthe television shows their stations produce

the best answer is B.

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发表于 2010-12-24 10:43:57 | 只看该作者
排版有問題唷~~ 幫你調整一下!!

題目主要概念是在說:目前電視談話性節目(talk show)的主題會跟主流政治意識結合,大部份人會將這當成電視台本身意願。而事實上,電視台是被很多經濟體所操控,因此他們必須去吸引這個族群的目光。電視台只會播放能滿足多數人的節目。結論:在電視中播放政治論點和分析通常是盲目且無關緊要。

==> 因: 主流意識影響多數人,多數人也只願意接受主流意識
==> 果: 電視台只能follow多數人意識來贏得收視率

31. 作者做了哪些假設:(假設了電視台要吸引多數人的族群而播放主流意識)
A. 假設大部份觀眾將一些政治觀點或分析視為煩人的--> 作者沒有假設這一點,反而認為大多數觀眾會去認同主流觀點/分析,所以電視台才會播放主流觀點。
B. 大部份觀眾會拒絕收看那些他們已認定跟自己對立或是相異立場的電視節目。--> correct
C. 每個觀眾都有與主流不同的看法,但並非每個人都相同。--> 跟本文無關
D. 經濟力量在政論節目上的影響比節目本身還強大 --> 本文主要是談收視族群影響電視節目收視率,經濟力量是收視率的結果,但不是作者的假設。
E. 其它台的電視代表不同的聲音。--> 大概是這個意思,但跟本文無關。

32. 作者提出的解釋做出哪種假設:(最後一句: political opinions and analyses aired on television talk shows are typically bland and innocuous--> 在電視中播放政治論點和分析通常是盲目且無關緊要。)

A. 電視台執行者缺乏政治意識。--> 與執行者無關
B. 跟最後一句一樣只是交換順序。--> correct
C. 非主流的分析家對於他們提出的數據,在電視族群中的影響結果冷漠以對。--> 沒有提到非主流
D. 大多數觀眾準備好跟他們持相反論點的電視節目做爭論。--> 這是上一題的, 但不是作者最後做出的假設。
E. 電視執行者的政治意識不常反映在他們自己的節目中。--> 這是我的2nd best answer. 如果沒有B的話應該會選到它。

Questions 31-32
Political opinion and analysis outside the mainstream rarely are found on television talk shows, and it might be thought that this state of affairs is a product of the political agenda of the televisionstations themselves. In fact, television stations are driven by the same economic forces as sellers of more tangible goods. Because they must attempt to capture the possible share of the television audience for their shows, they air only those shows that will appeal to large numbers of people. As a result, political opinions and analyses aired on television talk shows are typically bland and innocuous.

31. An assumption made in the explanation offered by the author of the passage is that

A.       most television viewers can not agree on which elements of a particular opinion or analysis are most disturbing.
B.       there are television viewers who might refuse to watch television talk shows that they knew would be controversial and disturbing.
C.      each television viewer holds some opinion that is outside the political mainstream,but those opinions are not the same for everyone.
D.      there are television shows on which economic forces have an even greater impact than they do on television talk shows.
E.       the television talk shows of different stations resemble one another in most respects.

B is the best answer.

32. The explanation offered by the author of the passage makes the assumption that

A.       television station executives usually lack a political agenda of their own
B.       bland and innocuous political opinions and analyses are generally in the mainstream
C.      political analysts outside the mainstream are relatively indifferent to the effect their analyses have on television viewers
D.      most television viewers are prepared to argue against allowing the expression of political opinions and analyses with which they disagree
E.       the political opinions of television station executives are not often reflected in the television shows their stations produce

the best answer is B.

-- by 会员 Jolie881209 (2010/12/24 9:26:34)

 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-27 14:42:45 | 只看该作者
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