上周四刚面试,今天就拿到offer了,赞一下效率! 背景: G770 / T105 / GPA3.2 /WE less than 2 in shipping 面经: Ann面的,人超级Nice 1. Go through your resume 2. the best & worst about Smeal 3. other schools you have applied 4. merit and disadvantage of teamwork 5. ethical dilemma 6. If you MBA classmates first see you, how will they describe you? After three months, how will they describe you again? 7. Tell me a recent news that has an impact on you 8. what is the toughest interview question you have ever encountered 9. leadership experience and style 10. the biggest challenge in MBA study 11. what is your backup plan if all schools you apply have failed 12. Anything you want me to know? 13. Q&A 上周被Notre dame和Wisconsin WL了~~今天终于可以开心一下了~~ Good luck to everyone! 更新奖学金: 两年GA:免学费+stipend -- by 会员 allennuli (2010/12/21 0:06:10)
恭喜啊,欢迎来PSU |