Dogs Show Their Amicable Attitude By Swinging Tails To Left
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As is known to all, dogs often prick up their ears or tails wagging cheerfully to show amicable attitude to people, however, the way of a dog wags its tail is not as simple as people might imagine.
A research team, which is a department of Biology from the University of Victoria in Canada, found that the dogs' tails should tend to put the left when they come across similar unfamiliar dogs, the same case in the neutral stimuli, when they feel the stimulation from heterogeneous such as master, strangers or cats, the dog's tail tend to swing to the right. Therefore, the way of the tail swing to the left may be a dog more friendly, intimate performance. The researchers used a robotic dog model to discover the response when they meet the similar, the tail turns left or right. The robotic dog model which is wrapped by imitation leather is with the ture size of a dog, through the built-in drivers, the researchers can control its tail swing by using remote control.
In the process of the study, the researchers put more than 500 dogs close to the robotic dog model and recorded the dogs behavioral responses, by this way, they can found whether there is a hesitation when the dogs near the model, because the rows and pause prior to the interruption is likely to be lack of confidence, surprised and bewildered, and afraid of performance. The results showed that when the tail swing to the left, most of the dogs constantly approached the model without hesitation, when the tail swing to the right, a lot of dogs close to the model of a dog with more cautious.
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