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发表于 2004-5-13 12:03:00 | 只看该作者

这道题大家注意两个概念,一个是restriction规定的停止时间,一个是大家scheduled的时间. 根据B所说,几年以来,一直发生的情况是: 在scheduled date之前, 猎杀的数目已经达到了5%. 个人认为这说明snow geese的数目已经在减少了,但是鸠占雀巢的现象却没有减少.所以即使取消禁令,还是不能达到预想的情况:通过减少snow geese数量而减少它对其它less vigurous species的影响

Please correct me if i were wrong.

发表于 2004-5-13 13:18:00 | 只看该作者


1 我认为每个hunting season都会有scheduled date,比如每年的3月是hunting season,3月31日就是scheduled date,但是这个地方有特殊的规定,sg的数量减少5%,就算scheduled date没到,hunting season也得结束。所以hunting season结束于scheduled date之前说明的是sg减少了5%。如果出现的是人们不愿意打sg的情况,hunting season就是在scheduled date那天结束,而不是提前结束。另外,文中说了sg是popular的,这是作为事实的论述,所以更不能说人们不爱狩猎sg。

2 我觉得D说得挺对的,而且文中的south region where they winter我认为是暗示了解题的方向


mariezhu mm 说得“通过减少snow geese数量不会减少它对其它less vigurous species的影响”这个问题,题干已经明确了,就是由于sg大增造成其他鸟类的生存危机:some species of Arctic bird are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese,所以讨论的核心应该在狩猎限制和sg数量的关系上,而不是在sg数量与其他鸟类生存的关系上。

发表于 2004-5-13 16:58:00 | 只看该作者

philikittist MM, 要支持<通过取消禁令,减少sg数量,进而减少sg对其它鸟类的影响>这一结论,必须要能够在<sg数量减少了>和<sg对其它鸟类的影响减少了>二者之间建立联系,如果有一个选项告诉大家<sg数量减少了>,但是<sg对其它鸟类影响>并没有减少,切断了两者的联系,那么这个选项就肯定是个上佳的weaken.


再来看看D:as their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons, 不知你如何理解,我的理解是随着数量的增加,sg重新占领了它们几年以来没有使用过的冬季栖息地.个人认为这正证明了sg现在占了更多的栖息地从而影响了其它鸟类,所以D选项支持了需要减少它们的数量,以便减少其对其它鸟类影响的说法.


发表于 2004-5-13 18:51:00 | 只看该作者
我明白mariezhu mm的意思,但是我认为B不能说明sg在减少,因为在每年狩猎季节减少的sg,到下一个狩猎季节前还会繁衍补充回来,如果按限制进行狩猎还会使sg逐年减少的话,sg早晚要灭绝,就不是一个保护生态的措施了。但更重要的是,就算B能说明sg在减少,就更不能选了,因为题干明确说了recent sharp inrease,sg数量的增加是事实。任何削弱都不能去否定作为事实的内容。无论什么题型,对已经有定论的内容进行讨论的选项应该都不是答案。
发表于 2004-5-13 21:00:00 | 只看该作者

看到此,我相插一句。答案是那个,尚难定论。但一直坚信“学术民主”,我虽是新手,但已经发现,无论是逻辑去还是语法去很多人是在凑答案。答案并不因为是管大牛给的就对(zhe shi zhen ti),也不因为总教头发话就对,我们答题时应避免用资历影响真知灼见!!!哈哈。

发表于 2004-5-16 05:06:00 | 只看该作者


I do not check the "correct" answer before I do the question myself first. I never let the given answer bias my choice. I happened to choose B before I checked the given answer. And if I choose B, I believe B is correct and I provide my reasoning. Of course, it is my personal choice. Please give your reason for reuting my answer.

I think the key of this question is how to understand the choice B. It has been many year since ... I think it means that for the time being, the hunting season does not end early due to the restriction. I do not think it means the hunting season ended ealier than the scheduled date for the past years.

Pls comment freely.

发表于 2004-5-16 05:45:00 | 只看该作者

I think Mindfree is always Mindclear. But it seems that in this question, the key point is the meaning of the B. Probably there are some misunderding among us. B says "it has been many years since ...". What does it mean?

1. that the current situation is different from "many years" ago?

2. the current situation is still the same as "many years" ago?

3. it in fact does not say anything about the current situation?

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-16 6:25:43编辑过]
发表于 2004-5-16 17:55:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-5-29 18:49:00 | 只看该作者

No offence but I think I would choose D

and I think Mindfree made a mistake understanding "it's been a long time since something happened" - I will say in this type of sentences - the part after 'since' is always a "true" statement.

It's been five month since I quit smoking - "I quit smoking" is a true statement.

It's been xx years since AL Quida hit the american soil. - "AQ hit the american soil" is a true statement.

so it's been many years since the restriction led to something... - "the restriction led to something" is a true statement , so the restriction actually caused to hunting season to end earlier - so the restriction actually saved some snow goose's lives - so removal of the restriction will get more SG killed - so B will strengthen the conclusion.

So D is the correct answer.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-29 18:50:31编辑过]
发表于 2004-6-1 06:29:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用terminator在2004-5-13 21:00:00的发言:

看到此,我相插一句。答案是那个,尚难定论。但一直坚信“学术民主”,我虽是新手,但已经发现,无论是逻辑去还是语法去很多人是在凑答案。答案并不因为是管大牛给的就对(zhe shi zhen ti),也不因为总教头发话就对,我们答题时应避免用资历影响真知灼见!!!哈哈。

这也算人参公鸡? 中国足球队哪年才能冲出亚洲啊. 要严肃紧张, 团结活泼吗.

怀着对MINDFREE和MARIEZHU的滔滔..., 本来已经自我说服认定了B, 现由于对其他COWS的无限..., 重新考虑.

B: 提前达到5%, 结束手猎季节, 原因可能有二. 第一, 鹅太少, 比如就20只, "咣"一枪, 结束了.

第二, 鹅多, 群众热情也高, 打鹅运动风起云涌, 左手一只鹅呀, 右手..., 两天干了1000只. 5%了. 只好结束.

联系实际情况, 倾向于第二情况, 太少, 会保护的. 实际上打的人确实很多. 不管怎么说, 存在两个可能吧. 不存在懒得打的问题.

如果是一, 可选B, 因为在这里的鹅太少. 打也没用. 如果二, 不选, 这是加强的.

D, wintering grounds, 是不是还在south region里头呢? 我认为在. region 大得多. 所以开禁, 是加强, 不选. 如果grounds不在region, 或者在不能受猎的地方, 可选, 但我怀疑. (这也是我的初选)

我想问问, A一定能排除吗?

A的意思, 看起来跟问题不直接相关(开禁能救其他鸟). 但是万一全民打鹅活动一开展, 鹅可能就没了. 这样救了其他, 没了鹅, 也不是初衷吧.

结果对我是, 尚难定论. 一道提, 能研究出这么多花花来, 牛都不行, 咱都是DIABLO.

请随便批评, 看看有没有道理, 哪不对. 多谢.

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