I think the R1 result will come out soon, not sure about the specific date though. You may check on the website, coz last year they have this kind of info. posted on the website.
About the scholarship, I'm not sure if only 700+ can get the money. I suggest you call admission office to ask about this once you are admitted : ) good luck !!!
请教各位Smith的前辈,我是申请的R1,Admission Office的Amy已经通知资料都全了,11月初在北京和Sam正式面试过了。请问我大概什么时候能知道结果?目前还需要我做什么? 另外是否只有GMAT在700以上才能有奖学金?我是690,T108,IT背景。 -- by 会员 Longbo2 (2010/11/22 13:12:47)