楼主你好,我是澳门大学的学生,GMAT720,IBT104,但是GPA很低只有3.2,另外还有澳洲CPA举办的商业案例分析比赛大中华地区冠军,请问申MSA的成功率多大?中国人Maryland的MSA毕业之后留美工作的机会多大?谢谢 -- by 会员 xuboran (2011/3/4 17:36:33)
I like your G & T scores and your background. An even better method is to call the admin office to discuss about your goal. It really depends on what you would like to achieve. MSA and MSF are more academically oriented. There are some MSF and MSA students with good G and T scores. To answer your questions. I'm not sure about the job placements of the MSA students. I haven't paid much attention to those statistics. If you feel comfortable, you can share more of your background with me. I will try to give you better advice. |