摆脱写作中中式思维的办法到底是什么。除了多看多练这种听了能虚死人的话。 What Makes Us Human?
Six years ago I jumped at an opportunity to join the international team that was identifying the sequence of DNA bases, or “letters,” in the genome of the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). As a biostatistician with a long-standing interest in human origins, I was eager to line up the human DNA sequence next to that of our closest living relative and take stock. A humbling truth emerged: our DNA blueprints are nearly 99 percent identical to theirs. That is, of the three billion letters that make up the human genome, only 15 million of them—less than 1 percent—have changed in the six million years or so since the human and chimp lineages diverged.
Evolutionary theory holds that the vast majority of these changes had little or no effect on our biology. But somewhere among those roughly 15 million bases lay the differences that made us human. I was determined to find them. Since then, I and others have made tantalizing progress in identifying a number of DNA sequences that set us apart from chimps.
Comments here: This is one of the best articles I've read in a while. The breakthroughs coming from research of this kind are nothing short of amazing. Just think of the medical advances! =================== Another thought we belittle each other and in the same breath we curse each other & bless each other. We covet each others things but we don't give . We say hurtful words deeds and actions to each other when we should practice love and tolerance.We tear each other down when we suold lift each other up. We use and take way our brothers goods & livelyhoods for the sake of material gain when we should practice love & hospitality. We mean spirted greedy little toadys of creatures and I'm admazed that god hasn't struck all mankind down like Sodem . We are lowest of all animals forms because we can do anything our intelgence can think of. Aps in comparsion are lmited in the scope of the intelegence and abilties but they are a simplied creature that is much like us. If our layer of civilation was peeled away we would degenrate into savage ape like behaviour in no time at all. =================== The abilty to lie ,steal ,cheat , murder, go to war, gossip ,go into fits or range, destroy our world, use words or technology to hurt each other and we believe at the end of all things there is a god who is some how going to make it all right and some how we are in control of everything. When we are not. All the Aps can do is way less in comparision . Inreased intelegece makes humans far worse than all the animals because our intelegence liberates us from animal limitations .这个讲的好好 =================== While there exists the idea that there is a biological difference between us and other animals, there is also a more social reason. As anthropologist Leslie White says, while we are able to assign meaning to things, other animals can only interpret the meaning we've established. This is why a cat understands what the sound of a can opener means, but they cannot assign that sound to the idea of food; that's our doing. When giving directions, we have the ability to symbolize a landmark or an intersection by a salt shaker. The salt shaker obviously has been given a more "edible" purpose, but that ability to make it symbolize something else is what White says separates us from other animals. =================== You do indeed raise some very good points!