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[备考日记] 『Cheryll备考日记』最后一拼了不然就回家高考吧你。

发表于 2010-10-13 19:18:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



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阅读:TPO1套加分析。看Scienfic American。

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-13 20:44:35 | 只看该作者
Mice Exposed to Night Light Get Heavy
Light at night increases mice's body mass, apparently by shifting food intake to times when the animals are less active. Karen Hopkin reports

You’ve tried everything to lose weight: portion control, fasting, liquid diets, even eating meals on a treadmill汗,这个神奇. Now, a new study suggests that maybe you should try turning out the lights我每天开灯睡觉,呜呜. Because, at least in mice, exposure to light at night leads to weight gain. The work appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Laura Fonken et al., "Light at Night Increases Body Mass by Shifting the Time of Food Intake"]

by shifting the time of food intake
通过改变食物摄取的时间吗 这是什么意思

Obesity is an epidemic流行病. Maybe it’s because we eat too much and spend too much time in our seats. But another factor could be that these days we’re never really in the dark. Streetlamps and indoor light sources now brighten our nights. And that light pollution could be messing with our circadian rhythms昼夜戒律, which control not only sleep, but metabolism. In fact, mutant mice that have no circadian clockstend to be chunky.

To test the connection between photons and fat, scientists took mice and lit up their cages. And they found that mice that were exposed to even dim light at night were chubbier than mice who spent their evenings in the dark. Though they all ate the same amount, the fat mice snacked more when they were less active, perhaps failing to burn off those calories.

So maybe skip the night light. Especially the one that lights up when you open up the fridge.

发表于 2010-10-13 23:56:47 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-14 13:48:50 | 只看该作者


单词 <7天搞定IBT新托单词> 用这个来循环背词类记。好好地背诵一下,是背诵,不准看!

听力 老托-历史分类 今天终于听完了
       发觉老托听力里面词汇的问题很显著阿,TPO里的词汇问题反而不大。T T。

阅读 这段时间不做TPO了 做了浪费真题 把单词给弄上去。
      于是在单词上的时间必须花多点! 这一周!

写作 Child分类的范文看完了。晚上写了两篇作文。
      今天学到的神奇东西:to doing是开始干嘛 to do只是要干嘛
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-14 19:25:23 | 只看该作者

Chinese ethics
Scientists behaving badly

Recent events show China needs to clean up its scientific act

DISPUTES about science in Western countries can sometimes be heated. Seldom, though, do they descend into fisticuffs. But this is what seems to have happened in China on August 29th. That day Fang Shimin, a well-known scientific blogger and self-proclaimed “science cop”, was attacked in the street by a gang. Nor was this the first such incident. In June Fang Xuanchang (no relation), a science journalist on Caijing magazine, was on the receiving end of similar treatment.

So far, it might be thought by smug Westerners, so depressing. But then there was a twist in the tale. One of the objects of the two Fangs’ criticisms, Xiao Chuanguo, a urologist at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, was arrested and charged with organising the assaults. Even more extraordinary (or perhaps not, considering that he had been detained for seven days without access to a lawyer), he confessed his guilt on television, on September 28th.

Virtue, then, has prevailed. And Chinese science has taken a step towards the standards of civilised discourse that Westerners like to think prevail in their own countries. Maybe. For the more you dig into this strange tale, the more illuminating it is of the need for Chinese science to clean up its act.

Fang Shimin claims that Xin Yu Si (New Threads), the website he runs, posts about 100 allegations of scientific fraud a year, and he has become a folk hero as a result. China has no proper procedures for dealing with such fraud and Dr Fang believes that, in the absence of such official channels, a platform of the sort his website provides is indispensable to the fight against misconduct in science.

Some of the accusations undoubtedly stand up and shine a light on the often-murky business of Chinese science. Many, however, are anonymous and lack specifics, making it difficult for those accused to mount a rebuttal even when they are innocent. Indeed, New Threads reminds some of those with longer memories of the hysteria of the Cultural Revolution, when anybody could post any accusation on da zi bao (big-character posters), and countless lives were ruined as a consequence. Not surprisingly, Dr Fang has many enemies.

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-14 20:05:50 | 只看该作者
我读这些东西一读下句,就忘了上句。T T阿阿阿。读完一段跟没读一样,读完一篇更是不知道。

Drink till you drop

A magic elixir is shown to promote weight loss

CONSUME more water and you will become much healthier, goes an old wives’ tale. Drink a glass of water before meals and you will eat less, goes another. Such prescriptions seem sensible, but they have little rigorous science to back them up.

Until now, that is. A team led by Brenda Davy of Virginia Tech has run the first randomised controlled trial studying the link between water consumption and weight loss. A report on the 12-week trial, published earlier this year, suggested that drinking water before meals does lead to weight loss. At a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston this week, Dr Davy unveiled the results of a year-long follow-up study that confirms and expands that finding.

The researchers divided 48 inactive Americans, aged 55 to 75, into two groups. Members of one were told to drink half a litre of water (a bit more than an American pint) shortly before each of three daily meals. The others were given no instructions on what to drink. Before the trial, all participants had been consuming between 1,800 and 2,200 calories a day. When it began, the women’s daily rations were slashed to 1,200 calories, while the men were allowed 1,500. After three months the group that drank water before meals had lost about 7kg (15½lb) each, whereas those in the thirsty group lost only 5kg.

Dr Davy confidently bats away some obvious doubts about the results. There is no selection bias, she observes, since this is a randomised trial. It is possible that the water displaced sugary drinks in the hydrated group, but this does not explain the weight loss because the calories associated with any fizzy drinks consumed by the other group had to fall within the daily limits.

Moreover, the effect seems to be long-lasting. In the subsequent 12 months the participants have been allowed to eat and drink what they like. Those told to drink water during the trial have, however, stuck with the habit—apparently they like it. Strikingly, they have continued to lose weight (around 700g over the year), whereas the other participants have put it back on.

Why this works is obscure. But work it does. It’s cheap. It’s simple. And unlike so much dietary advice, it seems to be enjoyable too.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-15 16:02:01 | 只看该作者

must, all




 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-16 16:12:13 | 只看该作者

Q3:why does the professor tell the man about the appointment at the doctor's offiice?
A. To demonstrate a way of remenbering things.
bingo- -。其中s说自己忘了要说什么,然后P就讲了用notepat去记住事情,然后举了一个自己的例子。
B.To explain why she needs to leave soon.
C.To illustrate point that appears in his report.
D.To emphasize the importance of good health.这个只是p举的例子里的一个小点

Q10: The professor describes a magic trick to the class. What does the magic trick demonstrate?
A. An action people make that they are not aware of.
bingo- -、
B. That behaviorists are not really scientists.
C. How psychologists study children.
D. A method for remembering locations.
Q11:What is the professor's opinion of the motor theory of thinking?
A. Most of the evidence he has collected contradicts it.
没有contrast- -。
B.It explains adult behavior better than it explains child behavior.
C. it is most valid theory of tinking at the present time.
也没有Valid好像- -、
D. It cannot be completely proved or disproved.
结尾说了一大堆问号,然后说no- -。表明了一切。

Q15:Why does the professor mention the Golden Gate Bridge?
A. To demonstrate a disadvantage of steel cables.
这个并不是mention的目的,虽然也有提到。主体是在讲Manila hemp。
B. To give an example of the creative use of color.
C. To show that steel cables are able to resist salt water.
看到salt water就一切就是浮云阿,果断地选了。这个主语骗人了,不是steel cables.
D. To give an example of a use of Manila hemp.
bingo- -。这就是一个example。

嗯。先去做下个section。拜托今天的错误率保持在错10个- -。都几遍了。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-16 17:28:20 | 只看该作者

TPO2 section2
又错了4个 最后一个lecture错了3个。

Q7 这就是个悲剧题 多选题考成这样 去死///
B. Exercise →only extrinsic value
<Exercise. There may be some people who value exercise for itself, but I don’t. I value exercise because if I exercise, I tend to stay healthier than I would if I didn’t. So I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically . . .not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it. It brings me good health.>

Q11:What is Bode's Law?
A. A low of gravitation.
B. An estimate of the distance between Mars and Jupiter
C. A prediction of how many asteroids there are. 并不是有多少- -。
D. A pattern in the spacing of the planets.
现在我想死了,这个numbers讲完的时候,就讲了Bode's Law的定义。
文中:<Um, well, this pattern is known as Bode’s Law. Um, it isn’t really a scientific law, not in the sense of predicting gravitation mathematically or something, but it’sattempting a pattern in the spacing of the planets, and it was noticed by Bode hundreds of years ago.>
Q13:How does the professor introduce Bode's Law?
A. By demonstrating how it is derived mathematically
为什么我会做错这个- -。明显着听力开头就是那一堆number,果断应该选这个。
B. By describing the discovery of Uranus
为什么我选了这个- -。果断错错错搓搓搓uoc哦。
C. By drawing attention to the inaccuracy of a certain pattern.
D. By telling the names of several of the asteroids.
Q14:According to the professor, what two factors contributed to the discovery of the asteroid Ceres?  2 answers/
A. Improved telescopes.
本来没听到文中有这个- -。
B. Advances in mathematics.
这个选项明显干扰了。没有提到的。但是我凭听力前面的印象把这个选了。T T。
C. The discovery of a new star.
D. The position of Uranus in a pattern.
<The next planet out, Uranus—after Saturn. And look, Uranus fits in the next spot in the pattern pretty nicely, um, not perfectly, but close. And so then people got really excited about the validity of this thing and finding the missing object between Mars and Jupiter. And telescopes, remember, were getting better. So people went to work on finding objects that would be at that missing distance from the Sun, and then in 1801, the object Ceres was discovered.>

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-16 17:29:54 | 只看该作者

听力 TPO2错了8个(第四次做,我去死...),错题分析完了,还没跟读听读。

单词 没背。

写作 写了一篇。

口语 完成预测了做的奇差 1 语言组织力和表达力 2 说的信息量太少。支支吾吾太多。
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