Thanks Tianwan I agree that in the sturctures such as "A and B of C" and "A and B of C", we need judge them semantically, but in the OG comment, it says in answer B and D, "the phase 'application of ... fertilizer and irrigation' is ambiguous in meaning: it can not be clearly determined whether applying fertilizer and irrigating are a single operation or two distinct operations". I just do not understand this explanation. As my understanding, because the single noun "application" must mean two operations (application and irrigation), and this can be drawn both grammartically and semantically, and there is no ambiguous in meaning. Why this is a reason for why B and D are not correct, while there are other errors in B and D, such as the structure "Requirement by ... of ..."(should be "Requirment of ... by ...") in B and "was" (should be "were") in D |