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prep2008 -sc 语法笔记勘误、查漏专贴

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-2 01:23:58 | 只看该作者
200. (T-3-Q14)
A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchers have discovered, and tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if stored long enough to have rotted.
A. tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if
B. they tend not to bother recovering a perishable treat
C. tending not to bother to recover a perishable treat it
D. tends not to bother recovering a perishable treat      
E. tends not bothering to recover a perishable treat it

A. tend单复数错误,应为单数,对应主语A scrub jay;if从句缺主语。即便加入代词it,也将会荒谬的指代jay,而不是treat。Bother to do/bother doing都是对的。

我并不觉得if句少主语,只不过把主语和谓语同时省略了:tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if (it is) stored long enough to have rotted
-- by 会员 mofell (2011/2/1 22:47:03)

发表于 2011-2-8 15:41:50 | 只看该作者
关于174. (GWD-30-Q30)里一个选项的解释我有点异议啊
An exceptionally literate people, more Icelanders publish books per capita than do the people of any other nation.   C
A.    more Icelanders publish books per capita than do the people of      
B.    more Icelandic books are published by Icelanders per capita than by the people of    
C.    Icelanders publish more books per capita than do the people of
D.    Iceland’s per capita publication of books is higher than that by      
E.    the per capita publication of Icelandic books is higher than that in  
我觉得这里就算改为of也不太合适,因为that是整体指代,应该指代the per capita publication of Icelandic books,改成of的话应该是the per capita publication of Icelandic books of any other nation,也不太合适,总之我觉得这个that有问题来着。
嗯,麻烦大牛你看看,如果是我的问题也麻烦告诉我一下吧 谢谢
发表于 2011-2-8 15:45:44 | 只看该作者
唉 不好意思 搞混了  that是核心词指代啊。。。。。嘿嘿 忽略我忽略我
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-8 21:59:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-2-9 23:35:14 | 只看该作者
223. (GWD-23-Q23)
After several years of rapid growth, the health care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to doctors and hospitals.
A.    while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to
B.    while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business and fell months behind in its payment to
C.    but then it proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its paying
D.    but then proving unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying  
E.    but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying

在考点里,我觉得paying和payment 的位子反了,以下是更正后。请查看,谢谢。

1.    动词比动名词简洁: paying比payment好,developing比development好。对于没有专门名词形式的动词,再应该用动名词。
发表于 2011-2-15 17:17:16 | 只看该作者
198题考点4说having done不能作定语必须转换成定语从句貌似与188题的题目及解释有冲突。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-15 17:37:16 | 只看该作者
198题考点4说having done不能作定语必须转换成定语从句貌似与188题的题目及解释有冲突。
-- by 会员 q303739744 (2011/2/15 17:17:16)

嗯,谢谢q303739744,貌似少了几个字,having done不能做限定性定语。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-15 17:38:02 | 只看该作者
223. (GWD-23-Q23)
After several years of rapid growth, the health care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to doctors and hospitals.
A.    while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to
B.    while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business and fell months behind in its payment to
C.    but then it proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its paying
D.    but then proving unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying  
E.    but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying

在考点里,我觉得paying和payment 的位子反了,以下是更正后。请查看,谢谢。

1.    动词比动名词简洁: paying比payment好,developing比development好。对于没有专门名词形式的动词,再应该用动名词。
-- by 会员 rachelvivi1 (2011/2/9 23:35:14)

you're right! thx rachelvivi1
发表于 2011-2-16 11:36:56 | 只看该作者
198题考点4说having done不能作定语必须转换成定语从句貌似与188题的题目及解释有冲突。
-- by 会员 q303739744 (2011/2/15 17:17:16)

嗯,谢谢q303739744,貌似少了几个字,having done不能做限定性定语。
-- by 会员 aeoluseros (2011/2/15 17:37:16)

发表于 2011-2-16 19:44:50 | 只看该作者
Deborah Aguiar-Velez, founder of Sistemas Corporation, has written a computer textbook in Spanish for people who speak Spanish and so then do not have to rely on translations from English.
for people who speak Spanish and so then
for people who speak Spanish, and then they
for people speaking Spanish who
so that people who speak Spanish          (D)
so that people can speak Spanish and then

D Correct;people who speak Spanish和people speaking Spanish并没有很大区别;最合理的含义在此:以至于人们能够说西班牙语并且之后不用依赖从英语(向西班牙语)的翻译。

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