钦佩zhu 和 kin 两位MM的考证精神。 Argument: 对于pumpkin: 你的例子不足以支持你的结论。 56. Architects and stonemasons, the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal transport or the wheel In B, the active verb has shifted suggests that the light, not the motion, is the agency of action, but such a construction leaves the phrase by the rapid motion of the galaxy away from the Earth without any logical or grammatical function. 128. New hardy varieties of rice show promise of producing high yields without the costly irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer that were required by earlier high-yielding varieties OG-249. B, the best choice, is idiomatic, clear, and without agreement errors or redundancy
从以上的黑体字中可以看出,or 连接的是两个小元素,组成一个大元素,接在without后面。所以,如果作者能给出更多的例子来,将会better你的论证过程。 对于ZHU:1)zhu 的例子能否应用于GMAT考试中,错误类比;2) zhu的例子中是两个元素并列,而此题是三个元素。 存疑~~~ |