Hi Jon, do I need to write an optional essay if I changed my jobs just few weeks before the application deadline? i.e. same function but better company brand names. Also, can you give us some suggestions on how to address the employment gaps during the financial crisis? Thanks a lot! -- by 会员 meimei0222 (2010/10/9 14:06:56)
Hey there! Honestly, if the change occurred just a week or two prior to submitting your application, you might want to simply…ignore it. Just say that you did your app a couple weeks earlier, and don’t even mention it. J That might be your best bet. Otherwise, yes, you will need to address it in the optional essay. And you will need to do the same as you describe any other gaps as well—the good news is that adcoms wont hold the work gaps against you this year as they would in years with stronger economies.   erhaps tho, you can find a way to address the gap, elsewhere in the essays. As a “risk” you took for example, or even in your career goals essay. You do need to address gaps, but you DONT need to do it in the optional essay, if you can get creative… Hope this helps!
Jon Frank