Totally understand because i'm a guy too. If you're interested in finance and you have better choice, drop the HR consulting. it's not relevant.
Ziye210 has made a very good point. adding on that, you can see hr consulting and management consulting under the same big umbrella - business consulting. You probably can pick up lots skills that are transferrable to management consulting at TW, such as excel and powerpoint, client management, project management, analytical thinking, leadership.
btw, hewitt doesn't exist anymore. you're welcome to message me if you have specific questions regarding hr consulting.
非常感谢版主的热心建议,真的很感动~ Towers Watson 在中国确实做的不错,办公环境,pay,都比KPMG好。我其实只有一个顾虑,不过也是最重要的顾虑吧,那就是我担心HR 管理咨询太专,比如薪酬,绩效,真的是一些很专业的东西。我非常担心以后想跳出来的时候,只能去企业做HR director了,即使读MBA回来,也不一定能进mck,bcg,毕竟,最好的dream consulting firm就那几家。(其实HRD挺好的,不过我的男生,所以可能觉得野心要大些:)。相对来说,金融也是我很感兴趣的一个领域,而且金融界好公司多,机会也多,KPMG作为一个跳板,很多人说很苦,但也说金融界对KPMG的资质还是很认可的。 不知道版主对此怎么看。(其实并不是说我现在就偏向KPMG了,我也是对KP审计的辛苦有很大的无语。现在是5 vs 5的纠结中...) -- by 会员 lucifer3219 (2010/8/8 17:03:11)