The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier. In order to deter such counterfeiting, several banks plan to issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available; when such checks are scanned and printed, the dots seem to blend together in such a way that the word "VOID" appears on the check.
84. The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier.In order to deter such counterfeiting, several banks plan to issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available; when such checks are scanned and printed, the dots seem to blend together in such a way that the word “VOID” appears on the check.
A questionable assumption of the plan is that?
A. in the territory served by the banks the proportion of counterfeit checks that are made using electronic scanners has remained approximately constant over the past few years
B. most counterfeiters who use electronic scanners counterfeit checks only for relatively large amounts of money
C. the smallest dots on the proposed checks cannot be distinguished visually except under strong magnification
D. most corporations served by these banks will not have to pay more for the new checks than for traditional checks
E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future
也是第一次看到这种问法,说说自己的想法吧。选项还是选which is the assumption,加上questionable是因为这个assumption其实也是很可能被推翻的。 bank现在推出了一些很小的dots, 现在的机器无法复制出来。bank的假设就是在dots不变的情况下,机器能复制的最小的点也不会下降到这个水准。E选项就是说可能在未来,机器会进步并制造出如此小的dots, 那时这些dots也就无效了。 这个assumption从发展的角度来讲,自然是很容易被打破的,所以questionable
這題我自己覺得選項C与選項E最容易搞混 OG上給的方法,跟lawer給的方法,都是取非來檢驗答案. 選項C是最難取非的,不過我們對except不熟悉,可以自己換一種說法, the smallest dots on the proposed checks cannot be distinguished visually BUT under strong magnification (換成not...but) 翻譯一下就是說, smallest dots on the proposed checks cna be checked under strong magnification and we can not checked by visually. 可是文中講的是scanner和printer能不能够複製,要是這些點即使可以被肉眼分辨出來,但是照樣不能被scanner和printer複製呢,也是可以的啊,所以選項C根本就是無關選項.ETS壞就壞在用distinguish 這個單詞來混淆我們的思維. 選項E,我覺得沒有問題,Not+weaken,去掉not,這個就直接weaken掉文中的結論了