发现这个月初还是有重复上个月坐稳JJ里的题 如AI 19 Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve it. 也是题库中142 (根据上个月的整理JJ) AI20 A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official. AI6 尊重个人差异那个 AI42 Celebrities那个。。。 楼主可以把原来的直接复制过来就ok了,而且经过讨论之后的有详细的提纲~ 希望有所帮助,呵呵 -- by 会员 panda1988 (2010/7/1 0:42:30)
有心人呀~~非常感谢!! 说真的,我还都没看上月的坐稳JJ呢~~一些考古的也会出现,如果大家发现的话,一定要贴出来呀!! |