第一段:开头就提到一个假设。第一段先给了一个定义,解释了Microsaccade这个东西。大概是说什么眨眼之类的眼睛自己的运动,然后说researchers have been unsure about the function of Microsaccade,甚至曾经有的researcher have gone so far居然说这种眼睛自己的活动可能会因为blurring什么的对眼睛造成伤害。(后注:这种假设是错误的)。(这里有题,问文章提到这种对于Microsaccade功能的解释是为什么)接着第一段后面说了又有另外一种解释,说是这个M吧,可以让人们的眼睛看清楚静止的物体。
视觉方面的神经元的运作方式之类的。比如什么neuron会 generate more electro...(有着“电”的词根的某单词)with response to moving objects than to stationary objects(有题)。讲vision evolution之类的就是人们容易看到动的东西,visual system就退化了。然后还有一个类比是说人的眼睛很像青蛙的眼睛。就说青蛙就完全看不见静止的物体,但是对于移动的物体反应就会很快。但是人类的眼睛就因为有了这种Microsaccade,看静止的物体也没问题。
第三段:继续提一些反对这种假设的证据。说了一个实验,就说科学家找来一群人,让他们一直对着电脑频幕的一个central dot看,然后问他们对于电脑屏幕上的peripheral dot的视觉反应。接下来这段...我不是很明白他们之间的因果关系...反正大概意思是说,那些人看着看着,觉得那些peripheral dot在慢慢消失fading,而他们的Microsaccade也在逐渐变缓(sparser数量减少and slower),然后又恢复normal when the peripheral reappear。
Microsaccades are a kind of fixational eye movement. They are small, jerk-like, involuntary eye movements, similar to miniature versions of voluntary saccades. They typically occur during prolonged visual fixation (of at least several seconds), not only in humans, but also in animals with foveal vision (primates, cats, etc.). Microsaccade amplitudes vary from 2 to 120 arc-minutes.
The role of microsaccades in visual perception has been a highly debated topic which is still largely unresolved. It has been proposed that microsaccades correct displacements in eye position produced by drifts, although non-corrective microsaccades also occur. Microsaccades were also believed to prevent the retinal image from fading, but they do not occur often enough for that purpose, considering that perfectly stabilized images can disappear from perception in a few seconds or less. The current consensus is that all fixational eye movements are important for the maintenance of visibility.
Experiments in neurophysiology from different laboratories showed that fixational eye movements, particularly microsaccades, strongly modulate the activity of neurons in the visual areas of the macaque brain. In the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and the primary visual cortex (V1), microsaccades can move a stationary stimulus in and out of a neuron's receptive field, thereby producing transient neural responses. Microsaccades might account for much of the response variability of neurons in visual area V1 of the awake monkey.
Current research in visual neuroscience and psychophysics is investigating how microsaccades relate to fixation correction, control of binocular fixation disparity and attentional shifts. Recent research has found a direct correlation between illusory motion and microsaccades.
1)What is the theme of the passage? 选主要讨论一种假设 2)What is the function of the substance of Microsaccade? 基金主人选的是illustrate科学家对于Microsaccade功能不能达成共识。 3)视觉方面的神经元的运作方式之类的。比如什么neuron会 generate more electro...(有着“电”的词根的某单词)with response to moving objects than to stationary objects(有题) 4)infer题:从文中可以推出最后一段试验中的subject干什么呢? 基金主人选的是M帮助人看到什么东西来的。 (这题要对experiment的结果要求看仔细点,关系有点复杂。)记得其中2个选项是M开头,3个选项是visual neutron开头。 5)第二段有一个in additional,问作用 6) 推断视觉神经在青蛙的作用 备选对motion的反应比对静止事物强烈得多 7)主题题 8)一道题是下面哪一条会削弱? 是关于REM和动物对所处环境危险程度的敏感程度的……
考古 V1 第一段:随着各种文化的融合,现代的历史学家对于西部开发的历史有了新的认识(这里破折号提到新历史学家挑战的就是西部片里描写的欧洲移民在西部开发中占主导地位),他们认为美国黑人应该是起了重要作用。(此处有题)但是奇怪的是一个美国黑人历史学家M的观点,却被现代历史学家给忽视了。 第二段:讨论忽视的原因。主要提了两个:Equality and Frictional 1是这种M的研究中带有自由、平等的思想。人们也通常认为这正是美国精神的来源,但是现代历史学家不重视这种思想,然后又讲了一点原因。 2是M主要通过写fiction来描述历史,现代科学家认为这不是真实的。 主题:提出新认识+提供解释,选:为了解释为什么M不受重视 Explain why M’s theory failed to be recognized. 主旨就是大家发现了黑人的作用,可是M的作品没有得到重视。 According to the passage, modern historians think which of the following statement is truth? 选:认为fiction不能反映真实(cannot reflect reality/truth)。 According to the first paragraph, what do modern historians think? 选:挑战欧州白人,认为美国黑人也有重要作用