A physically active lifestyle has been shown to help increase longevity. In the Wistar region of Bellaria, the average age at death is considerably higher than in any other part of the country. Wistar is the only mountainous part of Bellaria. A mountainous terrain makes even such basic activities as walking relatively strenuous; it essentially imposes a physically active lifestyle on people. Clearly, this circumstance explains the long lives of people in Wistar.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually any non?ying insect. However, when running toward an insect, a tiger beetle will intermittently stop and then, a moment later, resume its attack. Perhaps the beetles cannot maintain their pace and must pause for a moment’s rest; but an alternative hypothesis is that while running, tiger beetles are unable to adequately process the resulting rapidly changing visual information and so quickly go blind and stop. Which of the following, if discovered in experiments using arti?cially moved prey insects, would support one of the two hypotheses and undermine the other? (A)When a prey insect is moved directly toward a beetle that has been chasing it, the beetle immediately stops and runs away without its usual intermittent stopping. (B)In pursuing a swerving insect, a beetle alters its course while running and its pauses become more frequent as the chase progresses. (C)In pursuing a moving insect, a beetle usually responds immediately to changes in the insect’s direction, and it pauses equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline. (D)If, when a beetle pauses, it has not gained on the insect it is pursuing, the beetle generally ends its pursuit. (E)The faster a beetle pursues an insect ?eeing directly away from it, the more frequently the beetle stops. Answer:B, 记得有一道也是说甲虫的题,好像题目是一致的但选项不同,这道题实在困惑B和C,尤其是看到答案解释B削弱第一个加强了第二个….. 30A physically active lifestyle has been shown to help increase longevity. In the Wistar region of Bellaria, the average age at death is considerably higher than in any other part of the country. Wistar is the only mountainous part of Bellaria. A mountainous terrain makes even such basic activities as walking relatively strenuous; it essentially imposes a physically active lifestyle on people. Clearly, this circumstance explains the long lives of people in Wistar.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? (A)In Bellaria all medical expenses are paid by the government, so that personal income does not affect the quality of health care a person receives. (B)The Wistar region is one of Bellaria’s least populated regions. (C)Many people who live in the Wistar region have moved there in middle age or upon retirement. (D)The many opportunities for hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities that Wistar’s mountains offer make it a favorite destination for vacationing Bellarians. (E)Per capita spending on recreational activities is no higher in Wistar than it is in other regions of Bellaria Answer:C 不理解。。。。只能小时候形成的才叫lifestyle?
第一题,假设是究竟是因为速度太快了所以要休息一下呢,还是速度太快了看不见 B 经常换路线,那么就不是瞎子,瞎子都是走直线的;速度越快挺得越多,证明速度太快要休息一下。因为跟不上那个PACE了。灭一顶一 C被追的转方向了它会转变方向,证明不瞎,停顿时间一样无论目标是向上呢还是向下。这个似乎不能证明任何东西。。。