Of those persons who became teahers in 1968 and who later left the profession,30% today earn salaries above $35,000 a year. Of those who became teachers in 1968 and have remained in the profession, only 15% today earn salaries above $35,000 a year. These figures indicate how underpaid teachers are today. The arguement above depend on which of the following assumptions about the persons for whom statistics are cited? A.At least one-third of the group of persons who have remained in teaching would today be earning more than $35,000 a year if they had left teaching. B. The group of persons who left teaching and the group who did not are comparable in terms of factors that determine how much people outsode the teaching profession are paid. C. The group of persons who left teaching and who today earn more than $35,000 a year were more capable teachers than the group who remained in the profession.