suburban才是郊区,urban是城市里,人都往城里走了,失业率会升高。减除这个tariff会使得人们不会往城里跑,失业率下降,因而削弱。However, the auguer fails to take into account other factors that may result in the opposite conclusion to this claim mentioned above. 减除tariff会导致城里的工厂生意惨淡,工人势必会被解雇,所以会提高失业率。Only providing more informations about whether the processing plants will dismiss their employees and about whether the employees who lost their jobs can not get a job in a short time, thus to rule out this posibility, can convinces us that 减除关税不会影响城里的失业率。 下面是我的分析: 以下是引用Google在2003-10-20 15:48:00的发言:
Kernland imposes a high tariff on the export of unprocessed cashew nuts in order to ensure that the nuts are sold to domestic processing plants. If the tariff were lifted and unprocessed cashews were sold at world market prices, more farmers could profit by growing cashews. However, since all the processing plants are in urban areas, removing the tariff would seriously hamper the government’s effort to reduce urban unemployment over the next five years.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Some of the by-products of processing cashews are used for manufacturing paints and plastics.
B. Other countries in which cashews are processed subsidize their processing plants.
C. More people in Kernland are engaged in farming cashews than in processing them.
D. Buying unprocessed cashews at lower than world market prices enables cashew processors in Kernland to sell processed nuts at competitive prices.
E. A lack of profitable crops is driving an increasing number of small farmers in Kernland off their land and into the cities.
我起来选C,是因为没有看到C后面有一个than。C因此而不对。 后来选E,百思不得其解。。。。 下面是推理,发现E也不对。 原文:K 为了保证unprocessed cashew nuts 卖给国内的加工商,而设置了一个很高的tariff。假如tariff提高了,并且unprocessed cashew nuts是以国际市场价卖出,那么种植unprocessed cashew nuts的农民将会受益。但是,因为所有的加工商在城里,如果不设tariff会严重阻碍政府努力在未来五年里努力城市降低失业率。 问:最严重的削弱。 分析:第二句话是个虚拟语气,说明两个条件如果同时发生(tariff提高了,并且unprocessed cashew nuts是以国际市场价卖出),那么会使农民受益;这说明这两个条件目前没有同时满足。而第一句话说tariff提高了,也就是说是因为第二个条件(unprocessed cashew nuts是以国际市场价卖出)没有满足。进而推出,目前因为加了tariff而使得农民正以低于市场价来向加工商出售,所以使得加工商受益了。第三句话顺接此意:如果移除这个tariff,(那么会导致农民把产品卖到国际市场上去,也就会使得国内加工商得不到货源),会提升城里的失业率。 E答案:目前正因为没有可获利的作物可种,大批的农民进了城。
这个答案就是在说:如果移除了tariff,那么,农民就不会进城,那么城里的多余的工人就会减少,从一方面减少了失业率,从而削弱了主题。 所以说:移除了tariff会有两个方面的影响:1)使得加工厂没有货源,导致停业,工人失业;2)农民固留在土地上,城里的工人减少,导致失业率下降。 两方面相权衡,究竟是好是坏?没办法比较,所以,这个E选项应该只能算做半个削弱,因为如果E加上一个前提“城里的失业人口主要是由进城的农民引起的,而不是城里的居民的工作变动引起的”,那么E就是答案。 这题的正宗削弱,我认为,应该是: F:The urban worker who lose his job could get a new job in urban in a short time. F: 失业的工人会迅速再找一份工作。这样就起了一个断桥的作用。断掉:“因为所有的加工商在城里”,“所以失业率会因减除tariff而升高”。 我的推理有误吗? |