1.Teresa: Manned spaceflight does not have a future, since it cannot compete economically with other means of accomplishing the objectives of spaceflight. Edward: No mode of human transportation has a better record of reliability: two accidents in twenty-five years. Thus manned spaceflight definitely has a positive future. Which of the following is the best logical evaluation of Edward’s argument as a response to Teresa’s argument? (A) It cites evidence that, if true, tends to disprove the evidence cited by Teresa in drawing her conclusion. T没有引用任何evidence。(B) It indicates a logical gap in the support that Teresa offers for her conclusion. E没有就T从成本推导出论点的过程进行分析。(C) It raises a consideration that outweighs the argument Teresa makes. 从对话中可以看出E的语气是比较弱的。如果把这两句话换换,T倒是很能outweigh E的观点。(D) It does not meet Teresa’s point because it assumes that there is no serious impediment to transporting people into space, but this was the issue raised by Teresa. 正确。E直接跳过了T认为比较严重的问题开始憧憬美好的未来。(E) It fails to respond to Teresa’s argument because it does not address the fundamental issue of whether space activities should have priority over other claims on the national budget. fundamental issue不是航天事业拿不到钱,而是太花钱。答案是D。为什么是D呢? T:载人航天的成本过高,因此没有未来。E:其实载人航天是迄今最安全的交通方式,因此它还是有价值的。这个有点鸡对鸭讲的感觉。T又没说载人航天没有价值,只是成本太高而已。-- by 会员 hughlv (2010/3/24 13:47:26)
这一题的C不对,是不是因为C中的outweight其实是做题人的主观判断了,而原文并没有证据可以证明这个outweight的判断呢? |