PREP破解数学 38, 69, 22, 73, 31, 47, 13, 82
Which of the following numbers is greater than three-fourths of the numbers but less than one-fourth of the numbers in the list above?
(A) 56
(B) 68
(C) 69
(D) 71
(E) 73 这道题什么意思呢?看详解也看不大懂。 PREP语法笔记 The investigations of many psychologists and anthropologists support the generalization of there being little that is a significant difference in the underlying mental processes manifested by people from different cultures. (A) of there being little that is a significant difference (B) of there being little that is significantly different (C) of little that is significantly different (D) that there is little that is significantly different (E) that there is little of significant differences 解释是:(A) of there being代替that同位语从句表达复杂,笨拙并且不符合习惯. (B)错误同A选项
(E) significant differences在这里可以理解为有重要意义的区别,也可以理解为重要的区别,因此不
如significantly表达意思清楚 整句不知该如何翻译啊。
-- by 会员 yushixin_1 (2010/3/10 16:29:50)
我来解决语法题。不知道你上没上过新东方的课。我用他们的方法告诉你。别问我为什么,我也不知道,老师说的原则。翻译我也不会,我VERBAL很差。恰巧模考时也做到了这道题。就来说一下我做的时候的思路。 there+being错。所以AB排除。 CDE竖着看。different是adj. difference是n. 公式:动词好于形容词好于抽象名词好于动名词。E排除。 C的错误是n.+that be+adj. 不简洁。错!所以选D。 |