if you are so sure that a trader's career is right for you, then the only thing you need to do is to get a degree from a top school, which will bring you interview opportunities. usually, a quantitative degree will help, though i also see mbas get into trading.
想办法去个好的学校读master或者MBA,这会增加你获得面试的机会,但是如果想要成功做trader是很难的,淘汰率80%以上,你应该自己也做点相关的交易,自己炒股也行,有自己的观点,如果你炒股的业绩不错,会帮你不少,记住,trader是很难得,80%以上的人失败,但如果你成功了,你就牛了,现在国际大行trading是主要利润来源(以前也是),IBD是没出息的(如果你没足够的人脉过着关系),如果你的trader做得好,做大行高管不是难事,但是很难,80%以上的人失败!trader需要无比的勇气,以及其他的各项素质,如果你想做trader,good luck to you! 你是真正的勇士!