对应点 It has been known for some time that outside the bright nucleus of a typical spiral galaxy luminosity falls off rapidly with distance from the center. Instead we have found that the rotational velocity in spiral galaxies either remains constant with increasing distance from the center or increases slightly. 应该是d选项 楼主应该给出答案 他说光啊会随着与中心距离的不断变长而变的微弱 outermost是最外边的,能推出是higher 然后呢说实际推测与原来的想象不一样,结果是 随着距离的改变速度不变或者变化微弱~ 所以是d -- by 会员 edwardelric (2010/3/4 20:33:58)
NN真厉害,我原来是连句子都没看懂,这回懂了。 |