8月马上要开始MBA的学习,目标是暑在IBD找到实习。本科/硕士都是生物医学类,在biotech公司作产品经理3年。 想知道怎么在我申请IBD的过程中突出: my academic&professional background and experience, coupled with MBA can prepare me a career in IB well.
结合自己的特点: teamwork strong analytic skills scientific/medical background get many things done in a chaotic environment
8月马上要开始MBA的学习,目标是暑在IBD找到实习。本科/硕士都是生物医学类,在biotech公司作产品经理3年。 想知道怎么在我申请IBD的过程中突出: my academic&professional background and experience, coupled with MBA can prepare me a career in IB well.
结合自己的特点: teamwork strong analytic skills scientific/medical background get many things done in a chaotic environment
-- by 会员 michelleho (2010/3/9 8:21:34)
你有这样一个生物的背景,如果性格气质还让人看得舒服的话,在我看来那就是想去哪就去哪了,投行 PE HF 随便挑,只需要在面试技巧和个人定位上把握好就可以了。