356. digit x is the hundredth digit of 0.1x, y is the tenth digit of 0.02y, what is the probable biggest value of 0.1x/0.02y? 这题前面有…大家可以自己找找… 总之可以归纳为x=9,y=0 答案就是9.5 左右
356. digit x is the hundredth digit of 0.1x, y is the tenth digit of 0.02y, what is the probable biggest value of 0.1x/0.02y? 这题前面有…大家可以自己找找… 总之可以归纳为x=9,y=0 答案就是9.5 左右
356. digit x is the hundredth digit of 0.1x, y is the tenth digit of 0.02y, what is the probable biggest value of 0.1x/0.02y? 这题前面有…大家可以自己找找… 总之可以归纳为x=9,y=0 答案就是9.5 左右
356. digit x is the hundredth digit of 0.1x, y is the tenth digit of 0.02y, what is the probable biggest value of 0.1x/0.02y? 这题前面有…大家可以自己找找… 总之可以归纳为x=9,y=0 答案就是9.5 左右