以下是引用ygatnc在2006-9-14 17:26:00的发言:Thinking one step further, what Alan Guo cares most is Alan Guo. He does care about China, but has he done anything for China or even try to? At least I do not see it from the essay. As a matter of fact, essay topic like such is ridiculous, because what people care most is always themselves. A more suitable topic would be: What do you want us to believe you care most Having said that, it is kinda silly to get excited by what he said. 这话是没道理的。 每个微小的人每天作微小的工作贡献,不杀人不放火, 就是在doing something为祖国, 即使在国外工作生活, 也是在努力为中国人树立一个良好的形象。 每个人说到底都是为自己而活, 但每个人为自己而活, 管好自己, 也是某种意义上为国家奉献了。 ALAN能写出这样的文章, 就已经很好了。 |