以下是引用gmatandmba在2006-9-14 9:29:00的发言:我的评价:一定很打动洋人,但是观点有些稚嫩。引用的论据和思考的角度完全是党教育的产物。试举一例比如"However, later on I learned a completely different story about Chinese modern history. From British opium to Japanese troupes, from the civil war to the Cultural Revolution, the glorious civilization seems collapsed over night. "就像高中的历史教材中某些话的翻译。真实的历史不是这么简单的。如果有人说这读完了能体会出作者的爱国之情,我觉得那就稍微有点狭隘民族主义情节了。当然从文章的着眼点,似乎到不了能给人那些震动的地步。毕竟是一篇为了争取录取而写的essay。不得不承认的是这种办法倒是很有创意。 综合评论;用党的宣传方式来感动洋人。很讨巧!棒!作者绝对是好的做marketing的人才,就像张艺谋拍的中国电影,懂得洋人心理来打动洋人。 我的收获很大。作者用了种很讨巧的方式把几个主题串在了一起。从这里可以读出作者的用心“Looking at China, I see history and reality, glory and pain, culture and people, desperation and hope, and I also see myself a part of all these kaleidoscopic images. I think, what I care most being what I belong to is simply human nature. ” 其实不就是几种essay题目的综合吗?所以很感谢有人把这篇文章刨了出来,我知道怎么写那种没有命题的作文了! Thinking one step further, what Alan Guo cares most is Alan Guo. He does care about China, but has he done anything for China or even try to? At least I do not see it from the essay. As a matter of fact, essay topic like such is ridiculous, because what people care most is always themselves. A more suitable topic would be: What do you want us to believe you care most Having said that, it is kinda silly to get excited by what he said. |