以下是引用晴天小狗在2006-9-9 15:18:00的发言:1. 同问change at differential rates的意思 2. 怎么叫政府受益?value高的时候,政府的税收不是高么?也就是说政府受益。那这个时候还有必要reassess么?既然她已经受益了 我理解成value低的时候,政府为了得到更多的利益,会reassess,以便使value上升,从而获得更多的利益。 看来是完全反了 请指点一下 differential:Involving differences in speed or direction of motion. 差动的:涉及速度或运动方向不同 change at differential rates: 1. at different speed: see B 2. at different direction: see C and D --- should reassess change uniformly: 1. rise: see A 2. drop: see E----- no need for reassessment should and likely(increase tax avenue): B and C should and unlikely(don't increase tax avenue): D 2. If all property values change uniformely, i.e. at the same rate, why bother to reassess since no distortions occur, government may allow the same rate for decreased or increased value right?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-18 11:15:55编辑过] |