you are dreaming in your own world, no more advices for you, man.
good luck
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/21 14:34:33编辑过]
-- by 会员 crystalszero (2009/10/21 14:33:00)
Totally agree. LZ has no plan because you don't know IBD. You don't know IBD, then why you definitely wanna go to IB? The answer is self-explanatory - just face issue.
Since you have time patrolling in the BBS, why not spend more time knowing IB more for yourself?
楼主你要是真的是读书的料,那就别去投行混了。谁跟你说书读得好就能做trader的?小学老师说好好念书将来就能赚大钱? 念了本科,念了MBA,你还想接着念master,My goodness,哪年哪月你才会突然醒悟,if you are born trader, you are already one. 没有哪个学位能保证你能进投行,多的是top MBA, top quant program的毕业生,投行要的也只是那里面最聪明,最aggressive的那几个。 反过来,只要你够聪明,够aggressive,念过什么都没关系。多得是本科念文学、艺术、音乐、历史的人出来做IB,做trader,甚至你进了投行做legal,做前台,都可以自学转到trading floor. 有没有看过 the pursuit of happiness? 如果你真的是投行的料, stop complaining, start running 直接cold call 各家投行可能比你念100个master都有用。 BTW,trader一要年轻,二要敢赌。