感谢CD 没有CD,就没有我的成绩。非牛人,没期待上700,看到分数很激动 M50 V38 先上机井。 作文argument: 3家商店那个 125. The following appeared as part of the business plan of the Capital Idea investment firm. “Across town in the Park Hill district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have all had business increases within the past two years. Capital Idea should therefore invest in the Roxy Playhouse, the Slice-o’-Pizza, and the Divot Golf Club, three new businesses in the Irongate district. As a condition, we should require them to participate in a special program: Any customer who patronizes two of the businesses will receive a substantial discount at the third. By motivating customers to patronize all three, we will thus contribute to the profitability of each and maximize our return.”
In order to preserve the scarcity, gorvenment should be keep ````information. 想不起来了
阅读: 今天遇到3篇,农业起源, 机会成本, 还有GWD那篇。我的第一篇是新的。 第一篇:讲的是冰川时代的什么模型的错误。很简单。先说一个人的观点,第一段最后一句话有个题问。第二段一个人又提出一个。最后一段,一个人又说是数据的问题。(这里有题)。实在想不起来了,想起来补充
其它几篇JJ很丰富了。 机会成本那篇: 我考到第二段的作用,我好像选择一个提到类比(analogy)的方法 opportunity cost有考到解释, 我选的是possible loss 那项,和 JJ不一样。 主题:introduce a new concept on the pollution-prevention method
农业起源:都是JJ提到的,我选的一样。 主要把握文章认为天气是一个原因,但主要是由于人口因素
逻辑: 都挺简单的。 有一个新题。感觉是GWD上的,做过。是有关广告。做广告的话,人买的植物多,都买稀有植物,不好养。一会找一找 JJ遇到了 1. 版本二:最近corn很吃香因为能生产@@,所以墨西哥人都去种corn,尽管种corn不会去开拓雨林土地,但是专家还是很担心这会对亚马逊产生不利影响,问为什么。选项有雨林能提供xx能源,还有几个无关选项,都不太靠谱,我蒙了个因为种corn,原本种大豆的都会被dispalce去别的地方(可能就去开拓雨林土地了 2. 官员要求快餐店在餐牌上写食物包含的热量,问假设,选假设顾客点餐前会看餐牌 3. .一个地方的人喜欢吃pasta,当地制作pasta开始做低卡路里的pasta,所以当地人不会容易胖.我选的是要看当地人吃低卡路里的是不是比以前吃普通的多 4. business income 与government corruption的关系。有研究表示,business income 多的地方,corruption比较少,但是在某些地方(好像有提到具体的地名),business income 多,corruption也多,explain the discrepancy.有些选项涉及pre-tax, after tax等 5. 有两个地方的工人组装什么产品。比较了什么每小时工资成本。结论一个地方的成本是另外一个地方的两倍。问假设?选两个地方的工人小时工资一样 6. Ecologists: the Scottish Highlands were once the site of extensive forests, but these forests have mostly disappeared and been replaced by peat bogs. The common view is that the Highland’s deforestation was caused by human activity, especially agriculture. However, agriculture began in the Highlands less than 2,000 years ago. Peat bogs, which consist of compressed decayed vegetable matter, build up by only about one foot per 1000 years, and, throughout the Highlands, remains of trees in peat bogs are almost all at depth great than four feet. Since climate changes that occurred between 7,000 years and 4,000 years ago favored the development of peat bogs rather than the survival of forests, the deforestation was more likely the result of natural processes than of human activity. 选B 反正没觉得难,都能排除3项,最后剩2个选。可能我没到高分区吧
我觉得特别像PREP的风格啊。我没遇到什么很变态的。总之, 我觉得做过GWD的语法的话,好好总结,就应该没问题。
一年前考过一次,590,很惨。然后也就没再碰GMAT。我就是7月换题库后,开始报名。然后集中3个星期集训,做GWD。 没题都分析。很管用,尤其语法。感觉把每个考点都分析过的话,考试觉得不是问题。今天觉得最有把握的就是语法了。