68. (34191-!-item-!-188;#058&007616)
Leaders of a miners' union on strike against Coalco are contemplating additional measures to pressure the company to accept the union's contract proposal. The union leaders are considering as their principal new tactic a consumer boycott against Gasco gas stations, which are owned by Energy Incorporated, the same corporation that owns Coalco.
The answer to which of the following questions is LEAST directly revelant to the union leaders' consideration of whether attempting a boycott of Gasco will lead to acceptance of their contract proposal?
(A) Would revenue losses by Gasco seriously affect Energy Incorporated? (B) Can current Gasco customers easily obtain gasoline elsewhere? (C) Have other miners' unions won contracts similar to the one proposed by this union? (D) Have other unions that have employed a similar tactic achieved their goals with it? (E) Do other corporations that own coal companies also own gas stations?
我选B,我认为原文说要抵制 Gasco gas,而B说Gasco customers easily 可以从其他渠道获取 gasoline ,并一定是Gasco 的gas吧,说不定是其他牌子的gas吧~ 跟这个new tactic 没有太大关系吧。