P110Q33 The value of a product is determined by the ratio of its quality to its price.The higher the value of a product, the better will be its competitive position.Therefore,either increasing the quality or lowering the price of a given product will increase the likelihood that consumer will select that product rather than a competing one.Which of the following,if true,would most strengthen the conclusion drawn above? A). It is possible to increase both the quality and the price of a product without changing its competitive position B). For certain segments of the population of consumers, higher-priced brands of some product lines are preferred to the lower-priced brands C). Competing products often try to appeal to different segments of the population of consumers D). The competitive position of a product can be affected by such factors as advertising and brand loyalty E). Consumers’ perceptions of the quality of a product are based on the actual quality of the product 答案选E,解释说E说明value of a product=its quality,因为第一句话就是这个意思..Value of a product=Quality/Price这里我理解了, 那为什么A不对呢..B和C无关,都不支持我明白-但我还是不懂,为什么就可以凭着第一句话和E选项就可以得出这样的结论呢.. P111Q36 There is a great deal of geographical variation in the frequency of many surgical procedures-up to tenfold variation per hundred thousand between different areas in the numbers of hysterectomies,prostatectomies,and tonsillectomies. To support a conclusion that much of the variation is due to unnecessary surgical procedures,it would be most important to establish which of the following? A). A local board of review at each hospital examines the records of every operation to determine whether the surgical procedure was necessary B). The variation is unrelated to factors(other than the surgical procedures themselves)that influence the incidence of diseases for which surgery might be considered C). There are several categories of surgical procedure(other than hysterectomies,prostatectomies,and tonsillectomies)that are often performed unnecessarily D). For certainsurgical procedures,it is difficult to determine after the operation whether the procedures were necessary or whether alternative treatment would have succeeded E). With respect to how often they are performed unnecessarily,hysterectomies,prostatectomies and tonsillectomies are representative of surgical procedures in general
答案选B,我选的是C,这道题我想了很久..还是不懂原文想要表达的意思以及正确答案是怎么得出来的.. P113Q40 Despite the approach of winter, oil prices to industrial customers are exceptionally low this year and likely to remain so.Therefore,unless the winter is especially severe,the price of natural gas to industrial customers is also likely to remain low.Which of the following,if true,provides the most support for the conclusion above? A). Long-term weather forecasts predict a mild winter B). The industrial users who consume most natural gas can quickly and cheaply switch to using oil instead C). The largest sources of supply for both oil and natural gas are in subtropical regions unlikely to be affect by winter weather D). The fuel requirements of industrial users of natural gas are not seriously affected by the weather E). Oil distribution is more likely to be affected by severe winter weather than is the distribution of natural gas 我选的D,因为我的理解是D里面'not seriously'说明natural gas如果不是再极其恶劣的天气下,是不会受到影响的,这不正好反映了题目里'unless winter is especially severe'吗?完全无法理解正确选项B是怎么得出来的... 不好意思问题比较多,请各位NN前辈赐教~!! 这几天一直在钻陈向东的这本书,看例题和解释时都觉得一目了然,但是做题的时候不仅速度慢(达不到书中所说的20题32分钟),而且错误率高..不知大家做起来的时候有什么心得?是不是必须理解并掌握书中所提的各种逻辑思维方式再去运用到做题中去呢? 再次谢谢大家了..
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-6 17:40:59编辑过] |