以下是引用monica8在2009/7/22 13:54:00的发言: 这题应该是要补充一个新信息, 现状是current retail sales is less than the amount collected through property taxes 因此这个新信息应该是发生在未来,可以解释这个矛盾现象的发生。 E解释了sales tax会减少,但是没有解释为什么会比property taxes多的矛盾。
这道题就是让我们找哪一个选项可以使money collected on sale's taxes增加。 B的正确性可以由此推出,题目说 Three percent of current retail sales is less than the amount collected through property taxes,也就是,到现在为止,从property上收的税要比从sale上收的税的总量多。B项说a shopping mall likely to draw shoppers from neighboring counties is about to open in Aroca County,注意,这里是is about to open,也就是说,即将新增的收入才有可能填补这个gap。
再来说D。很明显,光光一个house不能代表property's tax, parent即使不交tax on house还有许多别的property tax吧。很明显,D不足以说明以前不交house tax,现在交sale就代表gap被填补了。