以下是引用kingwangfei在2009-5-7 16:55:00的发言:LZ 我自己想了想, although从句中,满足两个条件可以省略 1 是与主句主语一致 2 从句谓语动词是be动词 满足这两个条件可以省略主语和谓语动词 那么看看你列的两道题 (C) appear on the surface of the Sun as darkspots although never sighted at 这里少了have never been E) Although accounting for 省略了 United States citizens are 再举个OG 158的例子, 希望能帮助理解。我也不知道自己想的这些对不对,希望牛人尽快现身 呵呵 95. Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday, the strong retail sales figures released today seem like it is indicative that the economy, although growing slowly, is not nearing a recession. (A) like it is indicative that (B) as if to indicate (C) to indicate that (D) indicative of (E) like an indication of thanks so much! 今天做prep,有一道题 28. (26003-!-item-!-188;#058&002229) Polio, although it is eradicated in the United States, it continues elsewhere and is able to be brought into the country by visitors. (A) Polio, although it is eradicated in the United States, it continues elsewhere and is able to be (B) Polio, although eradicated in the United States, it still continues elsewhere and can be (C) Although still continuing elsewhere, polio has been eradicated in the United States and could be (D) Although having been eradicated in the United States, polio still continues elsewhere and is capable of being (E) Although eradicated in the United States, polio continues elsewhere and could be 选项是E 也确实E是最简洁结构最好的 所以虽然OG说 Although typically introduces a suborinate clause, which has a subject and a verb 在考试时不能只凭一个“规则”就Foul掉那个选项。 现在越做越有这种感觉,就算OG在一题的解释里说某某用法awkward,但在GWD或者PREP里面,就不能以这个作标志去否定一个选项,唉,越来越难了。 |