請教一題 T4-38 In one state, all cities and most towns have antismoking ordinances, a petition entitled “Petition for Statewide Smoking Restriction” is being circulated to voters by campaign workers who ask only, “Do you want to sign a petition for statewide smoking restriction?” The petition advocates a state law banning smoking in most retail establishments and in government offices that are open to the public. Which of the following circumstances would make the petition as circulated misleading to voters who understand the proposal as extending the local ordinances statewide?
A. Health costs associated with smoking cause health insurance premiums to rise for everyone and so affect nonsmokers. B. In rural areas of the state, there are relatively few retail establishments and government offices that are open to the public. C. The state law would supersede the local antismoking ordinances, which contain stronger bans than the state law does. D. There is considerable sentiment among voters in most areas of the state for restriction of smoking. E. The state law would not affect existing local ordinances banning smoking in places where the fire authorities have determined that smoking would constitute a fire hazard.
Answer: B
我的理解是有一個禁菸的petition 在選民中流通,且工作人員僅是問 你要支持禁菸州立化嗎
且這些活動式由各government office 來對外公開的。
題目是問 什麼情況之下 會讓選民誤會為 這是地方性的活動
答案是B 是說 因為在鄉村地方相對較少工家機關對外公布這些事情 。