- 请教一个问题
在lawyer 在support分类中特殊类的题中 提到 调查类的 support是调查的对象很有代表性 有点疑问 什么才算调查类的呢 比如下面这道题 我认为是 调查类 答案却不是 GWD3-Q9:(B) Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit-card logo. Consumer psychologists hypothesize that simply seeing a credit-card logo makes many credit-card holders willing to spend more because it reminds them that their spending power exceeds the cash they have immediately available.(假设类的)(调查) Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the psychologists’ interpretation of the studies? A. The effect noted in the studies is not limited to patrons who have credit cards.(有代表性)(只是针对了研究,对结论没什么影响,这里不算很有代表性,注意结论中的主语 many credit-card holder,这样其他的就没什么关系了)(在选的时候,不能只看形式) B. Patrons who are under financial pressure from their credit-card obligations tend to tip less when presented with a restaurant bill on a tray with credit-card logo than when the tray has no logo.(削弱的)(无因无果型) C. In virtually all of the cases in the studies, the patrons who paid bills in cash did not possess credit cards.(不具代表性) D. In general, restaurant patrons who pay their bills in cash leave larger tips than do those who pay by credit card. (无关比较,要是否用现金付和credit card无关的) E. The percentage of restaurant bills paid with given brand of credit card increases when that credit card’s logo is displayed on the tray with which the bill is prepared.(不具代表性的)(只是说的用这种信用卡付钱的比例增加而已,未说spend more) 紫色的是我自己更正过的,蓝色的是我原来的错误想法 还有一道是 GWD-9-Q37:(A) Researchers took a group of teenagers who had never smoked and for one year tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mental health changed. Those who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were four times as likely to be depressed at the study’s end than those who did not begin smoking. Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression in teenagers.(因果型结论) Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?(是调查类的) A. Participants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.(削弱了,因果颠倒了,同时也反了)(排除他因,排除是因为 原来就有depress的人存在,后来吸烟,这样就会削弱结论,不能说是吸烟导致的,可能原来就有的) B. Participants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end. C. Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.(调查很有代表性的) D. Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study. E. The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers. 这2道题,已明白答案为什么了 想问的是什么情况下就可以选 调查类的了,什么情况下就不可以 疑惑中 请各位赐教 |