大全91 1. Although one link in the chain was demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficiently so to require the recall of the automobile. (A) demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficiently so to require (B) demonstrated as weak, but it was not sufficiently so that it required (C) demonstrably weak, but not sufficiently so to require (D) demonstrably weak, it was not so weak as to require(D) (E) demonstrably weak, it was not weak enough that it required 91, sec02-14 Choices A and C entail ungrammatical constructions because they do not produce a sentence that has a main clause with a subject and a verb. In choice B, demonstrated as weak is unidiomatic; also in choices B and C Although and but should not be used together because only one is needed to express the relationship between the ideas. Choice D is best. Choice E is less concise and idiomatic than D; moreover, it is imprecise to say that one link in the chain (the referent of it) actually required the recall. The question is of middle difficulty. E: it required已经发生,确实需要recall;而原意是还没so weak以至于要recall。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-19 9:26:53编辑过] |