阿肯色州大学Walton MBA~~2010春季招生,GA加全额奖学金 2009年9月6日更新: 2010春季招生, 已经基本结束,不会再招国际学生了,现在已经招了的学生,GMAT平均成绩640,工作年龄4.5年 现在招生竞争激烈 汇报2009年5月毕业的班, 就业率80%!!!!! 新博客地址: 随时转载学校官方博客动态 http://waltonmba.blogbus.com/ ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
学校主页:http://waltoncollege.uark.edu/academics/ 因为这个学校不出名,很多中国学生都不知道,阿肯色大学的MBA在公立大学MBA排名54,但是学校的商校本科排全美第24。 现在经济危机下,阿肯色州是最风平浪静的, 因为有强大的沃尔玛,tyson,JB HUNT很多retail大公司都在这里。 下面是招生的具体信息: 学校每年春季开学,学时1年半,2011春季开学,2012年夏季毕业。 Early application deadline is April 1. Final deadline is September 15. 4月1日是最早的申请期。越早越容易拿到GA,每学期减免2500刀的学费。 In order to be considered complete, all application materials must be submitted. No file is reviewed by the committee until it is complete. For a complete list of application requirements, go to gsb.uark.edu and click on admissions information on the bottom right hand side of the home page. Summary of class that began last month: average GMAT = 628, average GPA = 3.4, average work experience = 3 ½ years, average age = 26. 我们班上的平均GMAT是628,对于中国学生,GPA你可以不用担心,看的不是很重,他们最看重的是gamt里面的数学成绩。对于我们中国学生来说,不是大问题。 To be most competitive for admission, a candidate will have at least 600 on GMAT, over 3.0 GPA, and two years of professional work experience. These criteria are not required, but an applicant is more admissible if they are met. 最好GMAT上600, GPA上3.0,但是也不是强制要求。 还是要看这年申请人的具体水平。 We offer two levels of graduate assistantship (GA). The full GA waives tuition and provides a stipend of $2500 each semester. To be most competitive for this award, applicants will have at least 650 GMAT. The partial GA waives out of state tuition (these students DO pay in state tuition which totals approximately $20,000-$22,000 for all three semesters), provides the same stipend of $2500 each semester, plus a scholarship of $2500. The student who is awarded the partial GA is paying in state tuition but is getting $10,000 over the three semesters. All admitted students are automatically considered for GAs and international students are eligible. 我现在在读这个学校了,去年年底考的GMAT, 今年来回报CD。 这学校不错,主要专注于retail ,这里是沃尔玛的老窝。哈哈 最重要的是,要是申请我们学校的学生GMAT分很高的话,全额奖学金,学费有全免的可能(我们班就有, 不过不是我,嘿嘿,我gmat考得不好) 下面是我的博客,里面都是在阿肯色州walton business的学习生活 美国的博客中国看不到了, 现在用新的博客 http://waltonmba.blogbus.com/ 以后我每天会回来CD,有兴趣了解这个学校的CDer们,给我留言吧,我有时间就来回复。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/7 5:18:19编辑过] |