以下是引用yuminjia在2009-1-8 13:18:00的发言: GWD17-Q29:
Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) was unprecedented in its firsthand accounts of the indignities suffered by women and because it was eloquent and passionate in exposing and criticizing these indignities.
A. and because it was eloquent and passionate in exposing and criticizing
B. and in that it was eloquent and passionate when exposing and criticizing
C. as well as the eloquence and passion it had in exposing and criticizing
D. and in the eloquence and passion with which it exposed and criticized
E. but also its eloquent and passionate exposure and criticism of 答案是D 为什么C不对呢?请指点。。。
一眼望去,发现三个AND 思考它们要干什么?和谁去并列? 再扫,貌似只有和介词in并列 先看看CE这些个少数派是不是有硬伤 再三的扫,本题的关键是 每句里面哪个it指代不清,剩下的那个不论怎么看起来不像,也得是答案 至此CE可以干掉了 好家伙 A好像也可以干掉 B竟然也可以 顺到D了 and的前后连成了一个意思(这手棋犹如围棋中“粘”的这个动作) 这时候,这个it就只可能指代一个地方,最前面的那个主语 至此,此题做完 番外篇 必须承认一件事儿 考场上如此连贯的思维,出现的概率是很低的 一旦无法思考的时候 寻找选项共性,试图找出出题人思路 大胆假设一个出题方向之后 一定要硬生生的把选项分为2v3的两组(4v1当然可以干掉1了) 在挣扎中从多的那组里面挑一个长得最没毛病的 点一个走人 千万不可恋战 切记切记 -- by 会员 houzhongxu (2009/6/3 4:54:00)
再顺便顶一下这位兄台的解题思路。 灰常之对我口味!! 赞! |