数学: 对301题,影响比较深刻,因为机井中没有补充完全。 301.从一个commission里选出4个人组成一个subcommission,问total的选择数。题目给出一个条件: subcommission 是不同的条件在于 “if and only if” “at least”每个subcommission里有个人不在其他subcommission里。 1) 至少有5人组成的5个subcommission
五人组成一个subcommission,至少可以组成5组。 2) 有20组3个人组成的subcommission 三人组成一个subcommission,可以组成20组。 答案就是选B,total=C(6,4) 逻辑: 记得最深的是一道GWD重现 GWD-13-Q5*: Vorland’s government is planning a nationwide ban on smoking in restaurants. The objection that the ban would reduce restaurants’ revenues is ill founded. Several towns in Vorland enacted restaurant smoking restrictions five years ago. Since then, the amount the government collects in restaurant meal taxes in those towns has increased 34 percent, on average, but only 26 percent elsewhere in Vorland. The amount collected in restaurant meal taxes closely reflects restaurants’ revenues.
Which of the following, if true, most undermines the defense of the government’s plan?
A. When the state first imposed a restaurant meal tax, opponents predicted that restaurants’ revenues would decline as a result, a prediction that proved to be correct in the short term.无关 B. The tax on meals in restaurants is higher than the tax on many other goods and services. 无关 C. Over the last five years, smoking has steadily declined throughout Vorland.无关 D. In many of the towns that restrict smoking in restaurants, restaurants can maintain separate dining areas where smoking is permitted.它因削弱 E. Over the last five years, government revenues from sales taxes have grown no faster in the towns with restaurant smoking restrictions than in the towns that have no such restrictions.与原文结论相反 语法: Assuming the forcastings are correct that 。。。 A) that ... B) , and that... C) , and ... 只记得这几个选项,我选的是that... 因为觉得that引导的内容修饰forecastings,属于跳跃修饰。 All of the XXX participants are always doing... B) As C)The 这道题出现我比较纠结,不知道该选All of the还是The,而且题目很短,以为自己进入低分库了,还好后面紧跟着国家元首那片阅读,传说是高分题库,一下子信心增加不少。 阅读: 男女工资研究、国家元首、纳米技术、题目不难,看过几经,应该可以轻松搞定,做的时候文章脉络心里都很清楚,所以基本扫完一遍文章,不用回看直接搞定题目。最后搞定verbal还剩下10分钟时间。 基本情况就这样,在08年的最后一天能拿到满意的分数,感谢cd,各位在一月换题库前考试的同学好好把握,几经很有帮助。