以下是引用AlienX在2008-12-31 4:49:00的发言: 只有版主有power to move the thread =P
是, Some people in Beethoven’s time did not ingest mercury,这句话的取非是No people in Beethoven’s time did not ingest mercury, 而No people in Beethoven’s time did not ingest mercury可以rewritten to: All people in Beethoven’s time DID ingest mercury
好像"...some...not..."都是取非some, OG10#195上的取非"...some...not..."也是取非some...可是我沒有好好的總結, 可能妳要問一下NN怎去取非"...some...not...". 有定案, 記得通知一下=)
LZ的第二題, 我不會做; 找了一下, 好像題是錯的...正確的題好像是: On a certain day, nine scheduled flights on Swift Airlines were canceled. Ordinarily, a cancellation is due to mechanical problems with the airplane scheduled for a certain flight. However, since it is unlikely that Swift would have the mechanical problems with more than one or two airplanes on a single day, some of the nine cancellations were probably due to something else. 如果根據LZ的題目, 我也會pick D. 如果根據我posted的題目, 我會pick A.
这位NN,能不能具体说说,没太明白。 你是说在题目由more than one or two scheduled flights 改为more than one or two airplanes,a,d选项不改的情况下,A就为正确选项? 为什么呀?如果题目改后,我就完全不会做了,请恕我愚钝。。。 觉得一个是airplane,一个是scheduled flight,不是一码事,a,d就算取不取非,好像说得也只是关于scheduled flight,跟airplane没关系。。 能不能细说一下你的思路啊?谢谢了!非常感谢! |