以下是引用clocdo在2008-12-17 22:35:00的发言: bbay: bluebay, the fund they have just launched is a private placement, so no comment. GS: they have launched 1bn hy credit op fund in oct, almost done now. mcapital: is a hf ran by a couple of former ML heads, bbg mentioend it briefly the other day, they just started.
these fund took advantage of such illiquid mkt, they do mandate and do clos-end op fund, play with both cash settlement and cds on stressed names. return is around 15-20%, no leverage, and asset protection is way better than equity fund.
AM is a FLOW of fee business (m&a is a ONE-TIME shoot fee business model in contrast).
Investors do rather want their money in big names than some small hf (basically 5 ppl + 10 bbg station), especailly true in this market, becuase you get full ranges of products, strong midle-/back office support and so on...
hf is dead, pity for people in green park area.
hy, 如你所说是“great timing opportunity and once-in-a-life-time return possibility", 不过谁敢说自己的现金流能支持到这些hy债券开始稳定回报的时候呢?况且,即便投资者有充足现金流,市场是否还会经受大的震动,谁也不好说,当时很多老的出名的基金都在几所大投行倒塌的时候遭受redemption威胁,如果再经受一次,估计很多基金公司都无法承担。当然他的回报要大很多,可以达到20%以上。我总是把hy bond当作是equity来对待。 觉得对冲基金还是很值得投资的,不过过分exposure,在现在的市场来说风险太大。所以fohf是理想的投资渠道。很多best selected fohf都还保持着moderate return。在这个时候,应该说fohf在规避风险上要比单纯的equity fund强很多。 fixed income fund投资高质量高评级的公司债券,在当前市场缺乏流动性的情况下,明显低估,应该说是相当好的投资对象。毕竟高质量的公司债券风险还比较容易看清,即使在市场下降的情况下。不过回报较低,不会超过15%。同时还有municipal bonds也很大程度低估, 因为它是在流动性受到威胁情况下最容易变现的,以至于前一阵子遭到机构大量抛售. 当然,我确实是一个不喜欢冒险的人:-) |