以下是引用clocdo在2008-11-13 19:07:00的发言: Note that the A-level he mentioend is most likley the ""Advanced Level" diploma which is a UK term, similair to "da xue ben ke yu ke", I dont think we have that in chinese system. So its a misunderstanding between you and the hr there.
Write hr an email and explain that you finished the 4-year bachelor study and earned your BSc. Dont afraid to talk to hrs, they are bored anyway, make the communication clear and a bit personal, as i assume you at least pass the first round mass-cv selection. Its definately not good if you dont give a timely reply.
Hope others can give u a hand too.
亲爱的clocdo,你真是太好了, 我终于明白为什么我和hr纠缠不清了.不过,刚才问了mengtingw mm,她给了我网址,在这里把结果给大家看看,别和我犯一样的错误:-) A-level我准备写高中成绩 然后大学成绩就写BSC就可以了 GCSE写初中成绩 好了,如果有不对请指正,申请英国投行的朋友一起加油:-) |