I am not sure if there are a specific curriculum for general management courses, but you can choose from courses from each individual department, depending on your interest. Ross MBA has a very flexible curriculum. One can design his/her own curriculum as long as you satisfy certain criteria.
hi, I want to apply to Ross for the second round. I have worked in automotive industry and plan to open my own auto solution company. I have 2 questions related to my background:
because Ross is located quite near to Detroit, the Auto City, and is very strong in manufacturing industry, do you think it is fair to say that Ross is the first choice for a guy, like me, who is from auto industry and will remain in the industry?
like you, I will also focus on entrepreneur career goals, so which of Ross' courses are most beneficial people with such career apirations?
想问一下,在填网上申请表格的时候看到一个"to apply to the Tauber Institute for Global Operations"的选项. 其实和我将来的方向满接近,但我看了学生数据吓一跳,才38和人,而且其中只有35%来自MBA, 那就是13-14个人. 请问这个项目是什么性质? 是我打了那个钩就把我放进apply这个的pool里,然后挑十几个人出来,别的就拒掉? 还是把我放在MBA的大POOL里,MBA管MBA审核,通过了再看是不是适合这个项目?