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Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream. However, when mice are given both morphine and the new drug naltrexone, blood poisoning is much less frequent, although it does still occur. These results provide support for researchers' prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria.
Which of the following, if discovered to be true, would most seriously weaken the support for the researchers' prediction?

正确答案: B









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发表于 2008-9-25 09:47:00 | 只看该作者




1. 29年墨西哥移民比例比21年下降了,但29年欧洲移民比21年下降得更多,问什么结论

2. ngo服务城市,但某市对ngo要征收产业税。说也许由于缴税,ngo会离开,但议员说不会,税收会增加。问加强

3. 某岛要对水质进行监测,有商人说水是被某种杀虫剂搞坏的而且会滞留很久,商人继续说水符合监测要求的标志是能种出pineapple,但只有夏威夷有pineapple,这个岛没有,所以岛上不存在符合监测要求的水。问削弱

4. CR有一道公司换头那个问题.

5. 现在发现很多医生给耳朵感染的小孩子开抗生素,有个什么委员会的觉得这样不好,所以就给小孩子做测试,结果抗生素的药方就降下来了,问增强,我选的是所这些测试发现很多小孩子的耳朵感染不用吃药会自然好的。

6. 一个加油站为了提高sales,给每个加过10加仑的客户提供免费洗车,一个月内sales增加了10%,于是认为这种提高sales的方式很有效。问要证明加油站的clam先要evaluate什么?我选的是,增加的收入是否可以offset提供免费洗车的开销。

7. Nebraska要对饮用水中某种杀虫剂进行监测,选民认为检测根本没有必要,因为这种杀虫剂被限制在pineapple上使用,只有夏威夷有pineapple,Nebraska没有pineapple。问削弱。只记得两个选项,一个是每个州都对饮用水杀虫剂进行监测,另一个是杀虫剂只用在pineapple上是5年前的限制
8. GWD-29-Q40

Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream. However, when mice are given both morphine and the new drug naltrexone, blood poisoning is much less frequent, although it does still occur. These results provide support for researchers’ prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria.

Which of the following, if discovered to be true, would most seriously weaken the support for the researchers’ prediction?

A. After being administered to mice, naltrexone does not pass from the bloodstream into the intestine.
B. Naltrexone inhibits morphine from triggering the migration of intestinal bacteria into the bloodstream.
C. Mice that have been given naltrexone but not morphine have no greater risk of developing blood poisoning than do mice that have not been given either substance.
D. The increased risk of blood poisoning is not the only harmful effect on mice of being given morphine.
E. Conditions other than the presence of intestinal bacteria in the bloodstream can cause blood poisoning in mice


9. 给小孩耳朵发炎用的anti biotic很多是没有必要的, 于是government决定规定要减少antibiotic的使用. 一段时间以后, 发现prescribed的这种药确实少了. 问下面那种支持政府的措施是effective的.

10. 一个城市里,自行车运动人之前在路上彪车,后来有了一个专门的场地给他们去彪车,之后自行车运动爱好者的数量增加了20%,而且most of 他们都失去那个专业表车场。however,在路上彪车的人还是没有减少。
问题要求:If the arguement is treu, which of the following must be true?
在彪车场骑车的人的most也在路上骑。(--我觉得是can be true的选项,而不是must be true的选项)

11. 经理通常认为临时工相对正式员工忠诚度不高,因而影响企业PERFORMANCE。 However,另有人声称临时工和正式员工一样对企业忠诚。问assumption?


12. Farmer 种植water plant, 但是却很随意的将一种植物dump to river.这种植物很invasive,造成了河域的破坏。所以如果farmer当初负责任不随意dump的话,就不会有今天的破坏了。 问削弱。 我选了wind可以把这种植物吹到很远的地方,即使是没有根的,也可以生养众多。

13. 说政府对马路两边的billboard 的限制,对出租billboard德公司来说也不是件坏事,因为billboard的数量减少了,then___。 我选了 每个billboard 的价值就上升了。

14. 有一个公司发现引进高性能的电脑可以提高员工的工作效率,但是发现员工在工作的时候玩电脑,所以这个引进高性能电脑的计划不会成功


15. Lobster 那道。 GWD原题….
In 1992 outlaw fishing boats began illegally harvesting lobsters from the territorial waters of the country of Belukia. Soon after, the annual tonnage of lobster legally harvested in Belukian waters began declining; in 1996, despite there being no reduction in the level of legal lobster fishing activity, the local catch was 9,000 tons below pre-1992 levels. It is therefore highly likely that the outlaw fishing boats harvested about 9,000 tons of lobster illegally that year.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.The illegal lobster harvesting was not so expensive that the population of catchable lobsters in Belukia’s territorial waters had sharply declined by 1996
B.The average annual lobster catch, in tons, of an outlaw fishing boat is has increased steadily since 1992.
C.Outlaw fishing boats do not , as a group, harvest more lobsters than do licensed lobster-fishing boats.
D.The annual legal lobster harvest in Belukia in 1996 was not significantly less than 9,000 tons.
E.A significant proportion of Belukia’s operators of licensed lobster-fishing boats were out of business between 1992 and 1996

16. 喝了口水,又想起来一道逻辑,好象是说某物理理论试图把两种理论联系起来,但它只依赖于数学推导,而没有实验证明.答案就选这个.
17.似乎有一个题是说有一个研究,经过音乐训练的人什么技术也比较好,所以音乐可以提升哪个技术 问assumption,我选A,那些音乐感好的那些人和普通人在训练前没有差别

18. 就是那个上网和看电视的那个。好像是GWD的吧,或者是逻辑黄金JJ里面的。

19. GWD-29-Q40(同8题)
Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream. However, when mice are given both morphine and the new drug naltrexone, blood poisoning is much less frequent, although it does still occur. These results provide support for researchers’ prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria.
Which of the following, if discovered to be true, would most seriously weaken the support for the researchers’ prediction?

A. After being administered to mice, naltrexone does not pass from the bloodstream into the intestine.
B. Naltrexone inhibits morphine from triggering the migration of intestinal bacteria into the bloodstream.
C. Mice that have been given naltrexone but not morphine have no greater risk of developing blood poisoning than do mice that have not been given either substance.
D. The increased risk of blood poisoning is not the only harmful effect on mice of being given morphine.
E. Conditions other than the presence of intestinal bacteria in the bloodstream can cause blood poisoning in mice

20. 1)1929年:墨西哥移民的数量下降很多,但是欧洲移民下降更多,

2)1921年,墨西哥移民的数量小于欧洲移民的数量,问结论 (大意同1题,请同时参考1题)

21. 是狒狒逻辑的, 其实是相似,因为题目有讲道美国人的收入增加,吃肉的增加,问结论

Some people say that the scarcity of food is a function of the finite limits of the earth’s resources, coupled with a relentless rate of population growth. This analysis fails to recognize, however, that much of the world’s agricultural resources are used to feed livestock instead of people. In the United States, for example, almost one-half of the agricultural acreage is devoted to crops fed to livestock. A steer reduces twenty-one pounds of inexpensive grain to one pound of expensive meat. Thus, the scarcity of food is not merely a function of limited resources and population growth.

Which one of the following is an assumption that would allow the conclusion in the argument to be properly drawn?

(A) People prefer eating meat to eating grain.

(B) Meat is twenty-one times more expensive than grain.

(C) The limits of the earth’s agricultural resources are not finite.

(D) More than one-half of the agricultural acreage in the United States is devoted to drops fed to humans.

(E) Growing crops for human consumption on the acreage currently devoted to crops for livestock will yield more food for more people.

22. 评价题:一家PIZZA点,开发了一种低卡路里的PIZZA,能够帮助人减肥,PIZZA店的生意预计会上升,问他们没考虑是么因素

23. 假设题:胆固醇高会的高血压,服用钙可以降低胆固醇,但是研究发现,钙并不能被人体吸收,科学家们认为。。。。(我不记得了)

24. 削弱题:把人分成两组,分别是ethic和nonethic,ethic 的一组,他们的behavior 也是ethic,但是nonethic的一组,有的人行为也是ethic, 研究者hypothesize....( 也不记得了)

25. 一个ceo 对公司做调研,发现1)no flextime 的工作是hard work, 2) almost all of empolyees apply for flextime work,问must be ture except

五个选项分别由some , none , most ,many ,at least..除此之外其他都一样:don't to be hard work


26.其中有个讲insurance的,什么fire 的保费比flood便宜,什么flood可以predict, 什么flood剩下的property比fire多,记不清了,反正超级晕!

27.还有一题讲什么运动可以有muscle,dieting reduce muscle and fat, 科学家又说了什么话,问接下来会说那句(晕阿!)

28. GWD-1-Q31:
Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?

Davison River farmers are currently deciding between planting winter wheat this fall or spring wheat next spring. Winter wheat and spring wheat are usually about equally profitable. Because of new government restrictions on the use of Davison River water for irrigation, per acre yields for winter wheat, though not for spring wheat, would be much lower than average. Therefore, planting spring wheat will be more profitable than planting winter wheat, since??????.
A.the smaller-than-average size of a winter wheat harvest this year would not be compensated for by higher winter wheat prices 收入不足以抵消支出 crops of spring wheat must be planted earlier than the time at which standing crops of winter wheat are ready to be harvested
C.the spring wheat that farmers in the Davison River region plant is well adapted to the soil of the region
D.spring wheat has uses that are different from those of winter wheat
E.planting spring wheat is more profitable than planting certain other crops, such as rye [A]

29. 有道题说广告的价值取决于该广告播放时的观看人数,某地政府出台了一个新政策说要增加该地方的电视频道的数目,因为这样分散了观众,所以做广告的人的利益下降了,广告的价值下降了!

30. 有个地方,儿童观看电视广告越多,就会导致他们要求家长买更多的东西,诸如玩具之流。该地方的政府出台某措施是的该地的儿童的平均观看广告时间从14小时降至12小时。BUT 家长们似乎作出了反对的意见!问如何解释这种结果。

31. In 1995年 讲到有个地方 ,警察局为了控制犯罪率在城市的各个犯罪多发地点安装监控摄像机,并且向全市人民都通告了安装了摄像机的事实,不过没有告知他们安装的地点。借此,警告威慑那些罪犯们。然而当他们在年末总结犯罪事件是却发现 1995年的犯罪事件多于1994年,而同时在那些没有安装监控设备的其他地区,犯罪事件数量缺保持不变。这个调查说明了安装摄像机监控犯罪不能使犯罪事件减少。这个plan是totally failed。 问weaken?

32. 一题说:一个女孩子想健康,通过素食,降低血液中的LDL到一个最合适的程度,但是发现这个方法却没有办法把另一个HDL提升至最合适程度(感觉就是血压高一头和低一头的那个意思),然后她就决定食用鸡肉等肉类来提高HDL,问,以下哪个对于evaluate这个食用肉类提高HDL方案最有用?

33.每当太阳升起就会使东西变热,但是太阳能不是用于heating而是用于coolling.解释矛盾,答案里面有个说old building里面的空调系统都是heating作用的,这个最接近。其他好像都无关 (这个题记得,因为它在很后面,而且题干是一句话,我开始还以为是语法呢)


35. Child 不要 seperate seat 的问题,答案选因为child 有个seperate seat 一样injuried

36. scientist 发现mophin 把mice体内的一种bacteria引入blood,然后到spleen and lever,从而使mice die, 但是另一种N的东西可以减少这种情况,结论是N会阻止bacteria进入blood, 问assumption

37. 对于学校的full time 老师的职位,学校有一个committee; 该committee决定是否给面试者offer。而校长must同意所有offer,又说学科主任的推荐对于决定是否给申请人offer 能起到很大作用。

38. 高级员工中,有一部分是高风险的,他们所有的人都是高效的,问以下正确的是,简单,高效的当中有不是高风险的。

39. lobster那题,一摸一样,包括答案

40. 一个加油站为了提高sales,给每个加过10加仑的客户提供免费洗车,一个月内sales增加了10%,于是认为这种提高sales的方式很有效。问要证明加油站的clam先要evaluate什么?我选的是,增加的收入是否可以offset提供免费洗车的开销。也是jj

41. 现在发现很多医生给耳朵感染的小孩子开抗生素,所以就给小孩子做测试,结果抗生素的药方就降下来了,问假设



43. City official: At City Hospital, uninsured patients tend to have shorter stays and fewer procedures performed than do insured patients, even though insured patients, on average, have slightly less serious medical problems at the time of admission to the hospital than uninsured patients have. Critics of the hospital have concluded that the uninsured patients are not receiving proper medical care. However, this conclusion is almost certainly false. Careful investigaion has recently shown two things: insured patients have much longer stays in the hospital than necessary, and they tend to have more procedures performed than are medically necessary.
答案不多说了,容易的。 PS,这题是从别人那里盗版过来的,也是26号上海的,只是她是下午,盗版的目的是在此确认此题高频

44. 讲了说新药的研制有副作用的那题,说新药的研制没有考虑副作用什么的,记不清了……

45. GWDlobster那题,选A 含extensive

46. 把人分成ethic和non-ethic两组,然后让他们去洗手

47. 公司的raise有三种,costs of living, merit和promotion。一般merit是根据表现要判定的,cost of living要进公司一年以上的人才能拿到。问推出什么?我选拿到merit的人不一定符合拿cost of living的条件。

48. 一家报纸发现,有公司赞助的药物测试通过率比没有公司赞助的药物测试的通过率高,所以,公司让那些从属于公司的研究人员隐瞒了不好的数据。问weaken。我选了,公司一般只赞助那些通过可能性高的药物测试。

49. City official: At City Hospital, uninsured patients tend to have shorter stays and fewer procedures performed than do insured patients, even though insured patients, on average, have slightly less serious medical problems at the time of admission to the hospital than uninsured patients have. Critics of the hospital have concluded that the uninsured patients are not receiving proper medical care. However, this conclusion is almost certainly false. Careful investigaion has recently shown two things: insured patients have much longer stays in the hospital than necessary, and they tend to have more procedures performed than are medically necessary.
答案忘了,我选了A, 第一句是conclusion,第二句是evidence(同43题)


51. 一道关于保险,保火灾的保费比保水灾的低,但赔得一样,问为什么?

52. 有种鸟A要和鸟B一起飞到什么地方去,如果A迷路,一定要等到B,所以A没有方向感,问weaken?

53. 有一道PREP上的原题


54. 还有很后面一道题说没有一个什么东东是discrete...system,于是一个专家得出结论:没有一个这样的东冬是natural system
问假设:选所有的natural system 都是discrete...system

55. 还有一个更搞,是个not all 的不完全否定

56. 18-25岁的工人比年长的工人修的因工作事故的假要少,但这不能说明年纪大的人比年纪轻的人更容易出事故

57. 一个什么国家自豪得宣称:我们得贸易赤字得到了很大得改观。原因是,最近3个月,我们的出口都大大超过了进口。如果这种形势延续下去,我们可以很乐观的估计,政府的改善贸易赤字的举动发挥了作用。问这个assume是什么。答案是A: 最近三个月的import没有大幅减少(理由是deficit是import-export),如果import大幅下降,出口当然大大超过进口。

58. 只有2句话,但是我看的头昏眼花,老眼昏花。某人宣称:no bird's language is systematic language, no sustematic is a natural language. 问可以infer什么,我选了e,every systematic language is not a natural language. 好像没not的。彻底忘了。

59. 骨折题。研究发现,65岁以上的老年人中,最近减少过10%体重的人,比没有减少体重的人,发生跌倒hip frature的概率大了一倍。但是,这个并不能safely infer,减少体重的人比没减少体重的人更加容易骨折,原因是?
答案:我选了:研究表明,最近发生过严重毛病造成体重下降的人,更加容易跌倒。这个答案选了很久才定下来,是因为排除了其他4个明显没关系的答案的情况下。其他答案有:a: 跌倒以后的老头,更加容易卧床不起,造成体重飙升(没关系),e: 研究表明,没有减少体重的老头,也很容易发生跌倒骨折。

60. 某素食主义者控制体内HDL(不好), LDL(好)两种胆固醇,HDL量正好,但LDL不够多,她打算食用某种食品以增加LDL,问下面哪个选项有助于判断她是否应该将这种食品加入膳食中?


62. BULALA..有一个假设:1\ some people 不喜欢risk 2\All people 要使利润最大化. 问由此可以推断出什么, 选项就是着两个的组合, 记得有 all people 不喜欢risk ,且要使利润最大话; some people 要使利润最大化且不喜欢risk (等等之类的)

63. 买计算机与员工打游戏影响绩效的那题

64. 逻辑女孩子减肥那个DHL上升,HDL下降,前面jj有讲。选B,不肯定。

65. 发现很多医生给耳朵感染的小孩子开抗生素,有个什么委员会的觉得这样不好,所以就给小孩子做测试,结果抗生素的药方就降下来了,问增强,我选的是所这些测试发现很多小孩子的耳朵感染不用吃药会自然好的。
给小孩耳朵发炎用的anti biotic很多是没有必要的, 于是government决定规定要减少antibiotic的使用. 一段时间以后, 发现prescribed的这种药确实少了. 问下面那种支持政府的措施是effective的.




发表于 2008-9-25 11:04:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-9-25 11:34:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-9-25 11:53:00 | 只看该作者
那个时候怎么会有这么多JJ?  今年特别少,尤其是这个月。
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